By: Aabruti Chakraborty

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On a stormy day, she was born with some burning desires. As, she was growing, she was watching the colourful world carefully, with her own perceptions. One fine morning, she heard that someone was playing a drum (dhak), her mother dressed her up beautifully with a new dress, different ornaments and bangles. She was very excited to know about the occasion. After few moments, she saw many people started crowding at a temporary shed (pandal), suddenly heard that many priests were chanting a “Mantra” that is, “Sharva Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvartha Shadhike Sharanye Trayambike Gauri Narayani Namostute”, she felt relaxed, the whole atmosphere changed within a second, it was a different feeling for her. For the very first time, she smelled a different odor. Early Autumn, goddess Durga’s puja was going on, children were playing around, ladies have worn Saree and gents have worn dhoti, everyone was busy. Maa Durga also known as Shakti (Power). She is the feminine epitome of strength, wisdom and punishment. Now the little girl has grown up into a younger lady, every year she listens the same “mantras”, but now the atmosphere has changed. Throughout the years, she have struggled a lot for finding her own identity, sacrificed every desires. She herself was a warrior, fought for her own rights. Her mother was her inspiration, she had seen her mother to struggle, also she had passed many nights crying for her mother’s agony. Her mother was a daring lady alike her, but was too soft for her family. Her every struggle was for her mother. A woman leaves her maternal home for growing a new family with her husband, she sacrifices her entire life by trusting her husband, but does she get all the respect?? Does everyone support her?? Why the answer is no???? Why the women are screaming???? Why they are so much in pain???? That girl geared her up and found all the answers. One thing she noticed that, in this era, clever people, traitor gets proper dignity, whereas, soft-hearted people are ignored. Here, on Durga Puja, everyone participates on grooming the idol, but the living bodies are being harassed. People chants mantras to fight with negativity, to strengthen their powers, and on the other side, they shut the mouth of those protesting women, use offensive languages for describing a woman’s strength. We all know that, woman are the strengths, they have the ability to create and to destroy at the same time. One day, that little girl proved that this universe is incomplete without the existence of women by showing her views via publishing her own book. She fulfilled her mother’s dream. It was mid of the night, when she was reading her own book and sharing the story with her mother, holding her hands, the mama’s girl chants “Ya Devi Sharva Bhuteshu Matri Rupena Sangsthita, Namastasyai, Namastasyai, Namastasyai, Namo Namaha”.

By: Aabruti Chakraborty

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  1. অনবদ্য লেখনী। অভিনন্দন জানাই। আরো সুন্দর লেখা পড়ার জন্য আগ্রহী রইলাম।


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