Samsara Ocean

By: Moe

Sea Nile Tista River Samsara Mansarovar
Sea Nile Photo : M K Paul Samsara Mansarovar
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Samsara Ocean

11st, August, 2024

Dear Buddha

 How is everything in Nirvana a place that you often describe as  ” an environment with no greed and hatred”?. Karma has challenged me a lot putting me into a fight against life while others’ lives are as smooth as a carpet of roses. Sometimes I wonder why the samsara is too broad as the Pacific Ocean in which all of us sink and float at times. Do you know that the weight of the unbalanced two sides crushed my heart multiple times when I first moved to a Boarding School in India?

 In July, I was offered a full scholarship to attend an IB school. After all, the little 17-year-old girl carrying 30kg of luggage, headed to India. The school is luxurious and has all the types of equipment that we need for our studies. At that time, I told my friend ” I appreciate Buddha for sending me to this school even though you couldn’t hear my prayers”. One day, I signed up for a program to teach  English to students at a local school as a volunteer. When I first arrived there, I was shocked as I saw a lack of quality education with no modernized facilities, and teachers scolding kids for questioning. To be honest, I did not expect that the children would be studying without having sufficient meals. Do you know why my lord, because you showed me the golden side of India first which made my mind foggy? That is my first time questioning about the creation of people. Buddha, I know what you would say ” I am not the creation god, instead I tend to teach how to stay calm in extreme situations”. Nonetheless, it reminds me of my 3-year-old me, crying in the corner of my room made me rare bricks, a completely dark zone, praying to be saved from this poverty. You did not receive my letter at that time, Buddha, despite this, I somehow had to go the extra mile in studying to get this position. The children I saw were in my situation, and when I asked about their dreams, they did have a proper dream, to get out of poverty. 

 All in all, I wish you could receive my letter this time and respond to why samsara and karma have different difficult levels among people. Yet, I told the children something special that can influence their lives later ” There will be a time for a flower from mud to blossom, not always the flowers which can get sunlight all the time”. The untold stories of mine will be kept secret until I become someone that I am proud to show off.

Looking forward to your response letter.

Yours sincerely,
Moe Phyu Sin Aung          

By: Moe

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