The word pollution means that the natural resources that create an ecosystem disproportion are tarnished. Environmental contamination is the latest disastrous problem. When a deadly material creeps into an atmosphere at a higher pace than the surroundings inherent lodging causes Pollution. Mother Nature’s abundance is wasted by human actions. Human capacity and human survival have benefited from advancement and progress in the field of science and technology, but humans have become captives of their inventions. Due to rising rates of emissions, not just humans but all life forms are at risk.Pollution affectsthe quality of life more than one can visualize. It acts in obscure ways, even where the naked eye does not see. It is, however, very much present in the environment. You may not be able to see the natural gases found in the air, for instance, but they are already there. Likewise, the toxins that foul up the environment and raise the levels of carbon dioxide are very harmful to humans. Global warming would result in higher carbon dioxide levels.Further, the water is contaminated in the name of economic development, religious activities and more would create a lack of drinking water. Human life is not possible without water. Also, the way waste is dumped on the ground inevitably ends up in the soil and becomes radioactive. If land degradation continues to occur at this scale, we will not have fertile soil on which to cultivate our crops. Therefore, to reduce emissions to the core, serious steps must be taken.The main problem that has plagued our planet is pollution. While it is a phenomenon that has been present since ancient times, its adverse effects have been felt on a wide scale in the 21st century. While some big measures have been taken by the governments of numerous countries to curb these impacts, there is still a long way to go. Because of this, many normal mechanisms and patterns are broken. Not just that, much of today’s flora and fauna have either gone extinct or are in danger. Animals abandon their habitat at a faster pace due to the rapid rise in the level of pollution.Several big cities around the world have been affected by pollutions. Most of these contaminated cities are located in India. Delhi, Kanpur, Bamenda, Moscow, Beijing, Heze, Chernobyl, among others, are some of the most polluted cities in the world. Although these cities have taken a range of measures to curb pollution they also have a long way to go. The air quality in these areas is low and there are also cases of degradation of soil and water. It is now time for the governance of these cities to establish plans for solving these problems.Not only does the ever-increasing day-to-day pollution exacerbate our naturally lovely climate, but it also produces certain severe and persistent diseases that impact life on earth. Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution are the most important forms of pollution. Each type of pollution has its effect on the atmosphere and the environment, thereby impacting the quality of life.Industries all around the world function as a large source of contamination. The pall of smoke and the swirling fumes pose health threats, thereby polluting both the air and water. It induces air pollution as these gases are released into the air, and when the solid waste from the industries is deposited into water sources, they cause water and soil pollution. In factories such as boilers, grinders, compressors, the equipment used to add up to noise pollutions.The smoke emitted on the roads from vehiclesoften pollutes the atmosphere. The toxic smoke emitted by these vehicles induces air pollution, and noise pollution is caused by the sounds created by these vehicles.Households spill their solid waste, half-burned dead bodies, and numerous other industrial wastes into surrounding bodies of water, resulting in contamination of water and soil. When fossil fuels that pollute the air are burnt, noxious gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are released.
Since learning about the adverse impacts of emissions, the task of avoiding or reducing pollution must be carried out as quickly as possible. To minimize air emissions, residents should use public transit or carpool to reduce smoke from cars. Although it can be difficult, stopping firecrackers can also limit air and noise emissions at festivals and festivities. We must, above all, follow the practice of recycling. All the plastic used ends up in the oceans and land, which is polluting them. So, try not to dispose of them after use, but to reuse them for as long as you can. We will need to inspire everyone to plant more trees that can trap greenhouse emissions and clean up the environment. When thinking to a larger extent, the government must restrict the use of fertilizers to preserve the fertility of the soil. Industries must also be prevented from pouring their waste into the oceans and waterways, thus causing water contamination. To sum up, all sources of contamination are harmful and have serious repercussions. All want to take a step towards progress, from people to industries. As it takes a concerted initiative to tackle this problem, we have to join hands now. Moreover, because of those human actions, the precious lives of animals are being demolished. So, to make this planet pollution-free, all of us must take a role to become vocal for the unheard.

Author: Sofia Khanam from Kolkata has completed her MPharm in Pharmacology from Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology & Allied Health Sciences, Howrah, West Bengal. She excelled academically, and her inspiration pushed her in the direction of science and she is highly interested in scientific research. Her positive attitude and willingness to share her positive thoughts on any situation is highly appreciated. She has secured the first position in Meaning with Microbes Competition, secured the second position in an essay writing Competition, Editor Choice Award in International Essay Competition, Special Mention in Creative Writing Contest, and Consolation in Speech. She has published 5 scientific review papers, 2 chapters, 1 magazine article, and 7 Blogs. She has learned to put her inner perfectionist to good use by writing and has a good eye for detail, which makes her a good editor too. She is working as an active member of the unit of social and welfare activities. She frequently encourages and helps others to achieve high levels of productivity. She demonstrates an enthusiastic approach to whatever method she is using to fulfill a goal. She is always ready and willing to expand her knowledge through any form that it comes towards her. Now, she equipped herself to reap out more knowledge from her scientific research interest wisely.