Meaning of real education In our country

By Shabeena Meraj

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there are so many educated people, but are they really educated? Are we really educated? It is very important for us to know. According to Vivekananda- “Education is the manifestation of divine perfection already existing in man.” (Hand+Head(development)= Not real education Hand+Heart(development)= Not real education Hand+Head+Heart(development)= Real education) We consider as an uneducated person, when we have no manner to talk with anyone.we are uneducated when we have no emotion for needy people. Our real education make our personality, inspite of many degrees if we have these things then we are uneducated. “Real education is your behaviour With other not your status because nobody remembers your marks, degrees and designation on your death, people only remember you only for your good and bad behaviour”. Our real education is the sign of our existence, so being a really educated person, change the world and your life.

By Shabeena Meraj

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