Lost Cities And Geography

By: Alifya Zahra T

Isolation Geography geographical
Isolation Geography geographical
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What is geography? Geography is the study of the physical features of the earth and the etmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources and political economic activity. I studied geography since I was in elementary school. I studied about the earth and what’s in it.

I studied about soil, about plants, mountains, the sea, etc. continued in middle school and highschool, where it became more specific. We can understand the earth’s complexity by geography. Its also about the connection of the earth, animals, humans, and other creatures. It studied about earth physical features. Through research, humans found a lot of new things, studying natural phenomena, about tsunami, earthquake, volcanoes, and many more.

Through geography we also learned a lot about islands, continents, countries, and also cities. We discovered that thre are a lot of islands int the world, with different cimates, different wildlife, different plants. Also that so many islands has so much diversity, different people, different race. We learn about where they came from, or how they live. We explore about environment, about how human can change the world, causing pollution, or even make the earth’s greener. We also can understand how to make a better environment. Geography helped us a lot.

Talking about geography and cities, lost cities, lost cities are ancient cities that we rediscovered, usually by fossil or discoveries, we also can find it by using legends, there are a lot of legends talking about the lost cities, question is, why are there cities can diappear? Perhaps its caused by disaster, climate change. War, or cultural change. lost cities give us a peek about how people living back then. Or about the architecture and culture.

One of the lost city we rediscovered is Pompeii, it was and old Roman town buried by a volcano, it was a natural disaster that made the city died, but we found things from that city. Like the architecture, hpuses, street, or the fossils. Another example is Machu Picchu, a city in the mountains of Peru. There is a lot of stone buildings in that city, it’s a hidden treasure.

Lost cities are like puzzle and we can solve it with geography. They are geographic stories. We can study about how ancient people live long ago, about the environments, the most importants things is about the history about the connection between human civilization and the earth.

We learned that geography is important for us humans, to learn about the world around us, also to understand  about the earth and what we can do in the future to make the earth better, it also taught us about problem solving skills, survival, map reading, and many more. Geogaphy isn’t just about the earth but also about human. So we can appreciates the earth more.

By: Alifya Zahra T

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