By: Flawe Kusuma Agustin

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In general, violence against women causes physical, mental and psychological suffering. Not only teenagers but adults and the elderly can also experience this incident. The impact of violence against women also causes a woman to experience a decrease in confidence, feel that she is always wrong and can also cause them to consume illegal drinks and drugs.

What is more worrying is if they can hurt themselves as an outlet. And in terms of health, victims can also experience unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. One of the factors that influences violence against women is romantic relationships. Young couples who are in romantic relationships are involved in violence that is not realized.

There are several behaviors that are not realized that are included in violence or toxic relationships, for example 1. Always tracking and giving all access to all social media to their partner 2. Always prioritizing replying to partner messages quickly 3. Prioritizing excessive jealousy 4. Accusing each other. And if all of that is not done then one of the partners will commit or threaten to commit physical and psychological violence in the relationship. In addition, it could threaten the woman to spread her personal photos or videos.

There are several ways that we can do if we find violence against women. Among others 1. We can be a place for them to tell about the problems they face until finally violence occurs against them. Because at that time the victim may be feeling insecure, anxious and may blame themselves, therefore we must open our ears to listen to their complaints 2. Help them to solve the problem to a professional in handling the problem. You can take the victim to a psychologist or psychiatrist who may be able to handle the problem well. 3. Invite them to do positive things, we can invite them to do self-reward so that they do not tend to think too much about it so that later it can cause someone to experience very severe depression.

Every time we hear news of violence against women, we as women also feel concerned about the incident. Because we also always position what if we were in their position, what should we do. This can actually be prevented not only from other people but also from ourselves. As women, we are certainly considered weak by men. Because women are indeed weak and gentle, but we must not be wrong. We must be gentle women but not weak women. The more we show our weaknesses, the easier it is for men to play with us.

As women, our nature is to be chased, not to chase, and we should also be protected, not hurt. The nature of a woman is to be chased, not to chase, leave those who do not respect us and prioritize those who prioritize us. Never be stupid just by the word love. Men, if they are given more opportunities, will also feel more arbitrary. We must be strong, great and brave women, never let men underestimate us.

If we can, we must fight, never submit to them. We must also protect ourselves so that we do not become victims of violence against women because it is very damaging to our physical and mental health. In addition to us who are affected, our parents and people around us will also be affected. Therefore, we must always be brave women and never be afraid to fight if we are not wrong.

By: Flawe Kusuma Agustin

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