Is January 1 different from any other day?

By: Mirayah Sharma

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Surely it is just another day of the year. But that is not the case. It is the first day of the new year. The air is filled with hopes, dreams and excitement. Everyone is looking forward to the year ahead with high expectations and list of things to accomplish.

For most people, January 1 is a reset. Just one single strike of the clock changes the year to a whole new one. Except this however, nothing really changes. It is just our perception of the day and how much importance we give it that we start to think a lot of things will change. This gives people a chance to start over and bring about change in themselves or in other aspects of their lives.

You might have heard people say “This year I will do this” or “This year I will stop doing this” or another very common one “This year I will be a different person.” All of these indicate towards the concept people have of bringing about change in one’s self.

Most people take resolutions on New year’s. These are different from the promises or vows one would make normally. Since these are made on the first day of the year, one would think they are special and hold some amount of importance. People are more likely to follow them thinking that they were made on New year’s. Surely just because someone said something on a particular day should not make any difference, however since we are humans, we like to give certain things more importance than others.

Nevertheless, the resolutions are usually the ones that were made the year ago, since only one out of ten people actually stick to them. The resolutions mostly are stuff like- eating healthy, losing weight, treating others with kindness, saving money, working harder. While some could also be more specific than these.

This day might mean different things to each person. Some reflect upon the past year’s achievements and failures, to one it might signify some change, new things happening or starting new things. Some simply look forward to the new year and await all its surprises.

The word new just keeps recurring. Well of course since its New year’s. We are leaving what happened in the past year behind us and looking forward to the future with keen hearts. We forget what is old and move on.

Needless to say everyone is thrilled with the day coming up.

People celebrate making it through another year. Each person has a different way they celebrate it in. Some go above and beyond by partying with friends and family, some have a quiet thing with the people close to them. Celebrating the first of January gives people a sense of positivity and enthusiasm for a lot of new beginnings. Whichever way it is, the day is celebrated by all. Slipping into a new year with a bang makes us want to live the year the way we started it.

New year’s, you could say is a celebration for all. It is celebrated by the whole world and not only a certain group of people. Each set of people look forward to the day with equal amounts of excitement and happiness. It can surely be called the world’s most celebrated holiday.

All in all you could say that it is us who make the day as special and marked as it is. We like to think of new beginnings and changes that will make our lives better. All of us want a chance to right our wrongs and this day provides us with an opportunity to do that. It offers us another year to do the things we were not able to accomplish in the past year. It is a joy that cannot be explained really. The joy of getting another chance to be a better version of yourselves.

A new year signifies how blessed one is to step into another year wherein we will grow a year older and wiser.

Getting through a whole 364 day year is exhausting with tons of ups and downs, fights and make-ups, friends and foes. But in spite of it all, we grow up and learn new things. We reminisce the good times and know how to correct what went wrong.

There are fireworks on display and everyone gathers around to count down. Then the clock finally strikes twelve and happy new year! That excitement you felt reading the last two lines is what makes the day so special.

So, is January 1 different from any other day? Well yes, it definitely is!

By: Mirayah Sharma

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