By: Nilanjana Mallik

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January 1; New Year Day. The date itself gives goosebumps and trigger our minds with excitement and enthusiasm to start new things. The first day of a new year brings new hopes, resolutions, vows, promises lagging behind all the failures, grudges and rages and sadness. Newness in anything always amaze us. Novelty brings excitement and changes our dynamics in perception.

The countdown for the arrival of new year is so exciting and we just shout with joy; “Happy New Year” echoes all through the alleys; and we greet each other physically and virtually also. The social media gets filled with wishes, messages and celebration status.We cut the cakes and celebrate this day accordingly. The human emotion attached with it makes this day different or rather special from the rest of the 364 daysor 365 ( in case of leap year) days.

Practically speaking, there is no change as such for other organisms or for the universal forces or in duration of day or night. However the environment definitely feels something different; thanks to the loud speakers, noises, fire crackers. Entertainment and enjoyment come up with a mixed platter containing late night parties, social get together, various fair, and shows, cultural programs and even pujas to seek blessings.

The pets can feel something witnessing their humans’ excitement. The street dogs and cats get feasts on the left overs from the parties. The riches enjoy to their fullest getting highly influenced from the western cultures; and the poors constantly struggle with their forevers i.e. poverty and scarcity and the middle class people enjoy as per their budget permits. Human beings gift pollution to the environment on the occasion of new year.

Now if we consider the significance of this day from different point of views, it would be different for various age groups, professionalists and class of the society. Children get a holiday and they can sleep more in the winter morning and get good treats in the house. Teens fascinate about the greeting cards and society parrty and cultural program iin the schools and local fair or their favourite show or a movie release.

Serious students get a holiday to look after their backlogs. Aspirants of various national level competitive exam have no chill; they have to study no matter what. The government officials get a holiday to have some rest or to plan a small trip or a picnic. Picnic always top the trendlist on this day. The corporate sectors throw lavish parties for their employs. Aged people enjoy their favourite television shows.

A grand feast is a must in every household. People seek blessings from the god and they celebrate according to their culture and customs and preferences. This is the all or nothing day when we decide to get our lives back on track. Social calenders are fuller, and everyone is excited about gathering to enjoy some holiday cheer. Alcohol consumption is quite common in that day with frequent road rages and accidents. People set their new year resolutions, goals to achieve and vow to themselves to get better version of themselves.

So the answer to this question is very context and perspective dependent. Some might argue that every sunrise brings a new opportunity and new hopes and whenever you feel that motivation and inspiration within you; that is the real new start for you; the time, place or date nothing matter. New year is just a tradition to follow, you need not to wait for 1st January to come for your betterment; it is just the earth completes one revolution around the sun.

Still, the mere thought o new year celebration and the preparation before that excite us to such an extent that we wait eagerly from more than a week with our plans. The change of the year and our mistakes writing the date is somehow constantfor a couple of weeks.Hence, we may conclude that the uniqueness and special significance of this day differ according to the mindset of the people, their economical conditions, their cultures, and their social status. It is a national holiday so it is undoubtedly special than other days.

By: Nilanjana Mallik

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