How to Write an Interpretive Essay

By: Masoomi Santosh Nevgi

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Essays and even more essays… why is that this cycle never ends? What is the importance of such assignments?  

Firstly such tasks require one to think and test the thinking and memory skills of students. It’s impossible to fake knowledge in such tasks and do fraud with random info because experienced teachers and professionals can easily detect it. 

Secondly essays are better ways of testing than assessments itself. Why? Because here one cannot guess stuff or even copy. Also essays help one showcase various skills gained and indicates how one can make research, organize thoughts, and provide arguments. 

What is an interpretive essay? 

A piece of writing that identifies, evaluates, and analyzes the methods used by the author in a particular work, interpretive essays answers questions like, ‘What were the main characters and events?’, ‘What tone was used by the author?’, ‘Where was the setting?’, and so on. 

In here, there is no right or wrong, because here you can express your thoughts as you want as long as you can support it with efficient arguments. This essay requires profound knowledge and genuine interest in the writing piece chosen. A thorough research is also required to make defendable arguments and build them logically. 

How to write an interpretive essay? 

Reading the material assigned before starting to write an interpretive essay is crucially important. Read it as many times as needed and note down the various literary elements used. They could be anything like symbols, character descriptions, activities, settings, etc. Once a list of elements to analyze is ready go ahead with the introduction. 


Start it with a short summary of the piece. Keep it short so that the reader can familiarize with the content in the minimum time. Don’t give your opinions about it, just summarize. Mention title, authors name and other details. Also, mention all the literary elements that are going to be analyzed in different paragraphs. Then give the thesis statement. 


This is where you have to analyze the whole data collected by stating your opinions. Note that any statement must be supported with relevant examples. Quotations and paraphrases come in handy here. If series like patterns and symbols are provided, then make sure there is back up evidences for each one of them. 

Analyzing literary elements require one to explain their meaning, compare them and contrast them with each other. A literary theory to each element and logical analysis with the right structure makes all the difference. 

It’s crucial that the organization of the paragraphs takes place in the order of the elements that need to be analyzed. A flow of logic is required. Starting each analysis with a question statement creates a roadmap for the readers. 

Something like this:  

  • “What do you think about…?” 
  • “Do you agree with…?” 
  • “Is it true that…?” 

Make sure each of these is supported with arguments and a clear takeaway message. 

Questions engage readers and force them to think in reflection. It becomes like, “Although the author doesn’t mention it, there is the reason to believe…”, “The idea is very ambiguous, and there’s room for dispute…”, etc. 


Here you unify the main literary elements you have interpreted in your essay. Generally, this part summarizes the whole paper and explains how this piece of writing gives out value, basically how it fits into the big picture of life and literature, how it adds to personal growth etc… one can also make it clear how this analysis contributes to the growth of society and literature. 

Some hacks to help in the writing process

Make a list of questions 

It basically guides you throughout the writing process and prevents you from straying away from the goal. Make a list of questions that have to be crucially answered in the essay. The reader should have a takeaway from the essay- focus on that. And then rearrange the whole thing in the best way possible. 

Read your work out loud 

Always read out your piece of writing whatever it is after its done. This helps one point out mistakes which can’t necessarily be found while simply mind reading. If some thoughts remain vogue, improve them and create a better understanding of it. This works in all sorts of writing and not just an interpretive essay. 

Final thoughts 

Basically, a great paper has the following: 

  • A brief summary of what’s going to come in the paper in the introduction itself 
  • A detailed explanation of each element analysis in different paragraphs 
  • Supportive arguments and evidences to all statements 
  • Use of quotes and details 

Although a solid interpretive essay requires much effort and time, following the above tips and measures is always going to help. 

By: Masoomi Santosh Nevgi

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