By: Ririn Nur Halimah

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The essay is a record of someone’s thoughts, then written with a certain structure that aims to provide knowledge to the reader about things that have been designed in the form of scientific works. Essays tend to be subjective and the results are guesswork according to the author’s thoughts or views.

The essay contains the opinion, point of view, and attitude of the author. The form of the essay is relatively short so it is easy to make and requires little time to read. How to write an essay fast? What should be considered in writing or designing an essay? What are the benefits of writing or designing an essay?

How to make an essay quickly is an effective, practical, and much-in-demand step to producing interesting scientific works. This is because there are many quick ways to take things, whether events or problems in everyday life, how to write an essay quickly can be an example. with fast steps will make someone want to take something with these fast steps because everyone must choose the easy way.

How to write an Essay quickly can produce interesting work. The trick is to first determine the topic of the essay that will be made based on interest so that the process is not boring, and balanced with knowledge of the material that is widely studied to be able to finish it quickly. Second, immediately look for sources both from books or magazines, the most important thing is not to look for sources from the internet so as not to be exposed to plagiarism, summarize important things from sources that have been studied and provide an opinion or opinion according to the thoughts of the sources that have been searched and summarized.

Third, compose an opening structure that contains a background or general introduction to the topic and the formulation of the problem, the structure of the content by writing material that has been summarized based on the important points related to the title that has been determined. ideas from a writer who made his own by paying attention and considering it to life that exists in the real world, closing by concluding the material that has been compiled based on the formulation of the problem or summarizing it from the results of the content that has been written into work as well as giving advice on an idea. material land in the content section. Fourth, re-correct the essay that has been made by reading it thoroughly and carefully and checking for plagiarism.

In making an essay, it is necessary to pay attention to the structure and language. In addition, the mechanism for writing an essay is also important for the structure of the essay, consisting of an opening that contains the background of the introduction of the topic, and the formulation of the problem to be discussed.

Content that includes discussing the formulation of the problem with our opinions or opinions to attract attention. The closing is in the form of conclusions from the discussion of the problem formulation in the form of a brief, concise and clear re-discussion. The language in the essay is usually standard, namely according to the rules in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), denotative or meaning related to concepts in reality. Logical, which is based on common sense considerations, coherent and concise, means that the essay is in order, in harmony, appropriate, and not long-winded.

Writing a good essay or according to standards must pay attention to the writing mechanism. The mechanism for writing essays is that the format must comply with the rules using A4 paper, 1.5 spacing, 4 cm left margin, right 3 cm, top and bottom 3 cm, title font in the form of bold size 16, the font in the form of Times New Roman size 12, under the title given the name of the author.

In writing an essay we can get several benefits. The benefit of writing essays is that it adds insight into knowledge related to scientific writing, and trains us to think critically because in writing we think a lot which produces arguments and our point of view, as the basic material in making a CV, paper, and thesis, making us know how to write well and correctly.

Determining the topic, finding sources and summarizing the material, compiling the structure, and re-correcting will produce scientific works whose contents are interesting and read by many people because the contents are not boring and the results will be completed quickly so it does not require much time.

In writing an essay, what must be considered is the structure, language, and writing mechanism in the essay. In writing this essay, many benefits can be taken, namely in the form of increased knowledge so that it makes thinking and knowledge broad, can think critically in formulating a problem, and train to be able to make a design written based on thoughts that are based on facts or opinions from the author.

By: Ririn Nur Halimah

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