How to write an Essay Fast

By: Kamlesh Manchanda

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“Essay” is a term for writing that asserts author’s opinion on a topic, whether academic, editorial or even humorous. There are a thousand different approaches to essay writing and a million different topics to choose from, but good essay writing tends to follow the same framework.

Despite the fact that, as Shakespeare said, “the pen is mightier than the sword,” pen itself is not enough to make an effective writer. Sometimes, it becomes cumbersome when one has to write an essay fast due to time constraint for any reason. Effective writer or perfect writer is one, who can express one’s views and ideas about the particular topic instantly or in a very short time, i.e. fast expression of views.

Many writers find themselves struggling to organize their thoughts, outline the essay and get everything required down, if they have to write an essay fast or in a short period. Writing a good essay fast needs some practice, but it is a great skill to learn. Start by writing a thesis statement.

If the structure of essay is the skeleton, the thesis is the beating heart of the essay. Thesis is the central argument or central point of information of essay. This vital step can often be misunderstood and done incorrectly. Come up with three main points that support thesis. Once the main points have been identified, start with details that support the main points. Every main point will become a paragraph that supports the thesis. After writing body paragraphs, write introduction and conclusion paragraphs by stating and summarizing the body.

Trying to write an essay fast when time-constrained by an exam or test, one can do three simple things to get out of stress and writing fast. Here they are:

  1. Decide on structure in advance
  2. Spend considerable time on thesis statement
  3. Refer to the thesis statement while writing the body

Alternatively, the following tips can be followed:

-First of all, understand the topic and focus on writing. Come up with a quick answer in mind. If one has trouble starting, brainstorm: write down anything that comes to mind first, and then choose what fits best.

-Start with the simplest. Break the essay into 5 paragraphs (a standard), including introduction and conclusion. Each paragraph should contain a main point, evidence that supports it, summarizing sentences, and transitions to the next paragraph. Write thesis statement in the intro. Ascertain that each paragraph’s key sentence is connected with thesis statement. At this stage, all needed is to draft. Finalize the sentences later. Do not forget to include revision in the plan.

-Make sure that the Introduction and Conclusion parts are solid.

-Write down the Key Sentences for each paragraph, drafted earlier. This time, be sure that sentences are strong, precise and don’t require further editing. Normally, it won’t need more than a couple of minutes.

-Now write supportive statements or provide evidence to key points. Introduce and summarize every paragraph and properly connect the parts of the essay together. That is the main chunk of essay writing, for which 40% of time will be required. No need to spend more time on this job.

-Don’t Forget about Revision. This step is essential, so make sure to spare some time for it.

During the revision, pay attention to general structure, thesis statement and key sentences in each paragraph. Then check if everything in text is logically connected. Afterwards, see that there are no errors or typos.

These involve carefully planned steps; sticking closely to time limits and keeping research, writing, and revision strictly to the point. Any shift aside from will of writer only make waste of time. In the end, if one came to know how to write an essay in an hour or less, one will not only deal with the task during SATs, but also will be able to save so much of valuable time. 

It is natural to become nervous when people have to write an essay in a very limited amount of time. They face state of considerable anxiety also. This anxiety is really the biggest obstacle. In that case, it is advisable to organize the thoughts quickly so that they can begin writing in confidence.

If one has to write an essay in class or at any such situation, when one is not allowed to use a text or notes, the essay prompt in those cases assumes that the writer already has all the information necessary to write a good essay. But why is it so hard to retrieve the information under pressure? Answer is Anxiety.

In that situation, decide as quickly as possible whether you agree or disagree with the basis of topic of essay.  That will be the first main gatekeeper of the flow of thoughts. Yes or No. Agree or Disagree. Quick decision will help you in elaborating your ideas. As soon as it is decided, the anxiety will diminish by about fifty percent and it will be very easy to express views in simple words; that also in very short span of time.

By: Kamlesh Manchanda

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