By: Nilanjana Mallik

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Human mind can even imagine the things that do not exist in the world or in the universe and it can wander faster than any other entity in thee whole existence. So it is very difficult to control that restlessness and focus on a single topic at a time. But the irony is, one must have focus to complete any job especially writing an essay.

Deep Focus in Essay

Writing demands imagination and intellectual exercise along with deep focus and concentration. Your mind needs to wander but in a controlled fashion. Oe needs a notebook, a pen to write by sitting at a place, sounds very simple, right however, most of the people often struggle to stay on task.

Basically, focus and determination to do something, the passion to complete the job, the motivation to start again after every failures come from within the person mainly, so one should control inner distractions to build focus and it comes naturally when loves the job they are doing and it is truly said time flies when you are having fun. That’s why wise men said ” Never underestimate the importance of having fun during our job”. Hence the the first way to focus would be to get in the flow. When you are fully engaged in your writing it fluently comes naturally.

Daily meditation can help one to achieve that one way concentration at one with what you are doing. Multi-taskking fascinates us but actually it is very unproductive at times and one should not practice it if you are creating something on your own as it kills time and creativity as well. The best way to focus is to acknowledge your distractions and tackle those smartly. The trick is to stand back and notice your brain doing these things . When it happens, stand back from yourself.

Observe your behaviour, notice the distraction and remind yourself your goal and purpose and it will be easier to focus on writing an essay. Or you can use concentration timer to channelise your focus on certain thing for a selected time. The way of achieving focus differs at the individual level, some wants the same comfortable place and duration of the day for higher activity of brain wheras some wants to change their place and time for better outcome. Focus epends upon your biological clock also. The hypothalamus is the main master mind in your focus shifting problem or distraction in mornings or at nights accordingly.

In today’s world electronic gadgets and social media are the biggest distraction ; so put your phone on mute close the unnecessary tabs and switch on the ‘focus assist’ option in your pc. Seek inspiration from others or yourself and tame your muse , give it deadlines and treat yourself for fulfilling targets and even declare punishments for losing focus. You can use the ‘ pomodoro technique’ to increase your focus and to maintain a steady energy level.

Long sitting hours during writing can disturb your focus through physical disturbances; so in between stand up and stretch your arms above your head in a V position and hold them for a few seconds and breathe normally, it would help to rejuvinate the brain cells and would increase work efficiency. music plays a pivotal role to engage yourself totally into one work shutting all the distractions down. 

Understand the process of essay writing, you have to research about the topic and collect the existing arguements and background informations relevant to the essay prompt ; then formulate your own arguements and perception regarding the same and create an outline and write your essay with a clear vision and then revise and complete editing and proofreading to create a top notch essay. A good grip on the entire process would help to channelise the energy and focus towards the right path.

Consistency and discipline are the keys to unlock any desired mental state, your passion, deteermination, a clear sense of purpose, devotion , hardwork would eventually help you to focus on writing an essay and if not , then the deadlines are there to teach the required life lessons. So just start where you are, use what you have and do what you can; like anything, concentration comes down to preparation. If you can set yourself up to enter a concentrated mindset, you will be able to focus, so be prepared and embrace the inner motivation.

By: Nilanjana Mallik

Write and Win: Participate in Creative writing Contest & International Essay Contest and win fabulous prizes.

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