Father’s Day: Inculcating Values For Life

By: JAGANNATH PRADHAN (Essay on Father's Day)

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Father means our caretaker, and the word has its origin from the proto – (patēr) and an old English word (fader)  meaning who nurtures and protects a child, here is the formal meaning in dictionary is to bring a child into existence by the process of reproduction but the true meaning of father is not confined to the dictionary, it goes beyond that. For any individual, the bonding with mother is undeniably linked with his father, the commemoration of father’s day has somewhat similar story that is heart-touching on this special day. It is interlinked with mother’s day celebrations as a heart warming story goes like this which is one the famous heart touching stories. Once, in a city near perusa, there lived a young girl of 16 named Sonara Smart Misa whose mother (Ellema)  kicked the bucket during the delivery of the sixth child. After that, her father_ a civil war veteran (William John) never did a second marriage and brought up his children comprehensively. At the time, when he was bringing up six children was like an uphill battle; the way William bestowed mother’s love and the sacrifices was really a praiseworthy job. Like the usual festive day, when Sonara was present in the commemoration of Anna Jarvis’s mother’s day at Central Methodistine Epminder church, she thought of the sacrifices and mother’s love provided by her father for what he must be acknowledged credibly. she expressed her intentions to other church members to drum up support for her idea , and as the western culture was open to new ideas, they devised a  ministerial alliance and prepared their sermons on 19th of June {opposed to the proposed date of 5th June (her father’s birthday)by Drodd} citing it would give more time to prepare their sermons after mother’s day, after which Father’s day was celebrated for first time at the YMCA in Spokane, Washington on third  Sunday of June in 1910.Although it didn’t get much thrust in the initial days, it was U.S. President Woodrow Wilson who pitched in to gain this day more attention  by unfolding  a flag in Spokane, Washington DC but that move also got resisted by the Congress (US PARLIAMENT). Fearing that it would be commercialized just like the mother’s day benefiting only a small fraction of men and trade groups, but with further steps taken by Presidents like Calvin Coolidge and  Lyndon B Johnson,the day turned into a national holiday by the then President Richard Nixon in 1972, getting into the list  of the united nation observances.

As the observance of father’s day In the modern era came into early 20th century, a customary day for the celebration of fatherhood was in practice in Catholic Europe which dates back to at least early 1500s. It was usually celebrated on March 19 as the feast day of Saint Joseph, who is referred to as the fatherly Nourisher of the lord or purportedly known as father of JESUS.

The auspicious father’s day had came into existence through long debates and politicisation worldwide as  attempt was made in 1908,  by Grace Galdin Clayton who proposed the day to honour to those men who lost their lives in a mining accident in the US but didn’t get any global attention . A bill to accord national recognition of father’s day was introduced in 1913 but got ruled out in  1920s, the promotion of celebration of father day also got halted when sonara went to study at the art institutes of Chicagoa. As she came in 1930s, she began raising awareness at national level endorsed by the father’s day council founded by New York men’s wears retailers, manufacturers of ties and tobacco pipes . It got lambasted during the early decades perceiving it as an attempt by merchants to replicate the commercial success of mother’s day, receiving sarcastic jokes and cynical attacks in newspapers which were annoying.  It has also been tried as a way of propaganda during the dark phase of Great depression ,and during world war II, when American advertisers started telling housewives that supporting father’s day was also a way to support their husbands at war and the war itself.  It was finally Sonara’s and trade groups consistent initiative that by the mid-1980s; we got this special day Which had become a second Christmas for all Men’s  gift oriented industries , and they were enthusiastic about it.

Today, father’s day is getting observed in more than 111 countries with much affection and endearment in the pursuit of honouring fatherhood. The day has not got any special date like the other honouring days as we have for Independence Day( 15th August ) and Republic day (26th January) ,the date gets fluctuated every year. Of all the countries many of them have 3rd Sunday of June dedicated to father while some countries like Mozambique and Indonesia have another day shortlisted to honour fatherhood. Every country has its own traditions and cultural history associated with the fatherhood and replenish their history in their own manner. In India, father’s day is celebrated on 3rd Sunday of June.

Best Essay on Father’s Day in Hindi

In today’s oblivious world, the definition of fatherhood has evolved with the changing time and advancing era from the one who was called Dada (one having the reign of the  entire family and having the  duty of the manual hard work ) to Pitaji/Babuji (one has stepped outside the home to earn a living in town and cities, to be a financial support of the family)to Dad/daddy( one who has to go offices and have busy schedule) to Dude (one who used to be our friend) in today’s era.

In older times, fatherhood had always been looked through the one who has to trek outside, the sole bread earner of the family (financial support) and gave love and  protection to their entire family, but with advancing time words like women empowerment, and an end to the patriarchal setup in which men and the father hold the primary power to predominate in social status and descent is reckoned through the male line have became the BUZZWORDS of today’s era, through which women in the family have taken an active role in handling the financial  front due to which the notion of father had got transitioned in which the question of parenting have came at the front of fatherhood.

Parenting a child had been always associated with the mother, poems and writings are there upon mother sacrifices and love and are often projected as the harbinger of a child. Fathers have always been kept at the back foot, but it’s not the case, even the parent word is not complete without the inclusion of father. Reports and surveys had been done in which it was stated that men are more sensitive towards their child and have a major contribution in parenting tantamount to mother and in some even more than her. He’s someone through which a child tries to relate to the outside world and have the acknowledgement of a male of the World. The boldness and principals of moral values are being imparted by our father to us. Children are extremely sensitive and observant beings and internalize relational experiences through the prism of mother and father relationships which have lasting impact on them. In the cognitive skills and relationships with their counterparts and relatives, we need to stay with our father to get advices and experiences to solve numerous problems, calamities and tragedies!

 A Father is the person who endeavors to bring up a child and build his/her child’s personality through the channels of discipline and strictness due to which Till the working ages, many children in our country have an undeniable sense of sweet terror from their father, which children after experiencing through all this find the significance of that sweet terror in building them up and their personality. There had been many articles and stories of father being the one whose car’s horns at the gate in the evening used to prompt children to sit at their study tables silently.

Of all the relationships, the relation of a father and daughter have got some special significance, every child as an exemplary bond with his father in terms of love, care, attention and safety. CHILDREN always have a sense of securement whenever he is moving or dwelling beside his father for love and affection.Children, In their adult years, try to discover her father’s fatherhood qualities in her future partner. Daughter had always been the PAPA’S FAVOURITE in our homes.

With the changing trend, there had been a severe decline in the  attitude of today’s children due to which  the respect and honour which we are having towards one’s father had degraded steeply. There is a drastic change  in the mindset  of today’s youth conceptualization  of fatherhood; as now  children used to desert their parents and switch to comfort zone leaving their parents with no any other opportunities than to wander around or dwell in old age homes and denting the image of relation  the between the father and children. These practices disseminate a wrong message to the whole society which ultimately affects the new generation. The introduction of IVF (In-vitro fertility) to today’s world has also affected the traditional notion of father and has drastic effects on the present day culture.

Essay on Father’s Day

May the acknowledgement of father would be done today as a good friend but that doesn’t mean to desert them at the time when they need  our care and love the most. We must strive harder to reinvigorate the importance of father through newer era techniques and demands.

We used to update our WhatsApp status and Facebook stories stuffed with images and videos of fatherhood but it’s not that the love for father should emanate only on just the father’s day,  what about the remaining 364 days. We used to provide gifts and presents to our father on this day but not the one like Michael Jordan whon had led Chicago Bulls to defeat phoenix suns in the 1993 NBA Finals What we called as the best ever gift dedicated to father or whether it be Sally Ride who in 1983 became the first woman to fly into a space abroad the challenger on the Eve of father’s day and the entire nation was buzzing about that feat. A Father had been at the helm of our support in the most challenging times as our permanent backup as a tutor and sometimes even as a human horse to make us feel elated. Now, it is our duty to uphold the teachings of our parents.

“Dad may scold us, beat us and tell about our mistakes but it is all for our benefit to not be pointed out by anyone else ever again!”

Authored By: JAGANNATH PRADHAN,BHUBANESWAR . The essay is dedicated for Father’s Day

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