By: Nilanjana Mallik

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The comparison is often drawn when both the subjects are somehow related or share similar characteristics. Essay is relatively short piece of literary description or narration or analysis about a certain topic. It includes information along with author’s point of view reflecting his or her mindset.Research paper usually demands intense research work along with intellectual exercise. It is more evidence based analysis of a single topic.

Research paper is similar to analytical essays, but there are some key differences in topic, structure and content. Both are part of academic curriculum especially for college or university students and help in building knowledge and writing skill as well. The differences between a research paper and an essay are-

a) Research paper includes proven facts, information, analysis of other scholars’ perception on that particular topic and author’s individual vision and insight also; basically essay reflects author’s mindset crammed with organized information. According to Kilroy J Oldster, ” Essay writing is an act of rebellion against walking through life as an empty intellectual shell and an emotional vacuum. Essayist attempt to bridge the gap between meaningful self exploration and raising conscious awareness of the larger world that occupy.”

b) Research paper is usually long; whereas essay is relatively small with only 5 or 6 paragraphs ideally.

c) Research paper obviously needs vigorous reserach work and comprehensive understanding of that topic but essay does not require that much detailed knowledge but requires some information and a clear vision and opinion regarding that certain topic.

d) Research papers can be of different types like compare and contrast, arguementative, analytical, cause and effect and sublect bases; however, different genre of essays are narrative, descriptive, expository, definition, process, compare and contrast, arguementative, persuasive, cause and effect and critical essays etc.

e) References and citations have a pivotal role in writing a research paper however, literary devices and emotional expression and an opinionated mind play an important role in writing an essay.

In general, research paper is more complex than essay and both require special writing skills, patience, time, and intellectual investment. Research paper demands more devotion and passion towards intense research work and essay demands emotional involvement and  to write your own perspective more than mere facts.

By: Nilanjana Mallik

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