Enhancement of Human Population in Indonesia

By: Adelia Septian Anggraini

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As we know, humans certainly have a life cycle where they are born – grow and develop – die. Over time this Circle continues to spin they are born alive and then die. Of course, this situation is very influential for the progress of our country. When not addressed, this will explode and have a negative impact on Indonesia, which is a developing country and there is an enhancement of human population in Indonesia. As we know, an increase in population occurs when the birth rate is higher than the death rate. So if the growth of the world’s population increases rapidly this will give a lot of multi-dimensional problems.

Dynamics of Population Growth

The dynamics of population growth has the potential to cause many problems. As we see in our country, the cause of the increasing population is marriage at a young age. Early marriages that occur in Indonesia, especially in a small town in East Java, namely the city of Ngawi, have increased in the past four years. 510 couples marry early in this city. The sad thing that causes early marriage is that they have two bodies or are already pregnant before they are legally married.

Marriage Law in Indonesia

As we know, the Marriage Law in Indonesia applies. And in law in Indonesia marriage is only permitted if both bride and groom are 19 years old. And marriage is said to be valid if it is carried out according to the laws of each religion and belief. While the majority of Indonesia’s population is Muslim. In this case getting pregnant before marriage is prohibited. In this regard, people who marry at an early age and become pregnant before being legally married can be seen from the lack of education in countries with a high population, especially in Indonesia.

As we know “knowledge is a window to the world” that education is a very important asset and everyone must have education. Because with knowledge we can understand good and bad things. Meanwhile, in developing countries like Indonesia, education is still relatively low so that early marriages occur. When compared to developed countries, parents in developed countries have more awareness of the importance of education in life. They provide higher education to their children to reduce the potential for early marriage.

More than that, the increasing population, especially in Indonesia, is very influential on economic growth. Both in terms of basic needs, labor, and the availability of natural resources. As we know in Indonesia, the number of workers is related to the size of the human population. Whereas in this case, Indonesia has very little availability of jobs or job vacancies. So that the number of workers is not balanced with the available job vacancies -the number of workers is increasing while the number of job vacancies is limited- As a result many people do not have jobs or are unemployed. In fact, they have to support their families, and provide enough life. Therefore, if the number of births in a family increases, this also causes smaller opportunities to save and invest. Moreover, if the birth rate increases in one family then none of them are working or unemployed, this also increases the existing poverty rate. Because they make continuous expenses but have zero income. And also, it has an impact on the availability of existing resources due to an increase in consumption as well.

Given the impact that is due to the increasing population in developing countries, especially in Indonesia, there are various ways to prevent or as a solution to the problem of increasing the existing population. There are various ways we can do this. First, the government provides a family planning program, namely family planning and provides health services that can be accessed anywhere. This program aims to make people aware of the importance of quality child development. Not only that, this program also aims to limit the number of births in a family or this program is to control the rate of population growth and create quality families.

Not only that, it is necessary to provide education services to a high level (University) because of the importance of education. This can be done by providing scholarships or providing fee waivers or affordable fees, so that all can do education and create an educated generation. If an educated generation is created, of course this will also reduce the number of existing early marriages.

With that, it can be concluded that rapidly increasing population growth can cause various problems and adverse effects. However, It can also be solved with a good and connected solution. If this can be overcome and run well in Indonesia, this is one way to make changes and realize Indonesia from a developing country to a developed country.

By: Adelia Septian Anggraini

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