Write Good Review Essay with Useful Tips

By: Kamlesh Manchanda

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Good Review Essay is an essay that evaluates the feelings of essay writer on the most significant points raised by the author of a piece of literature. It is a critical discussion of an essay while the opinions of the writer are supported by evidence. A Review Essay is exactly what it sounds like review of any activity. It is evaluation of an author’s written material. Review essays are analytical in nature. These are supposed to dissect an author’s work, developing an argument that supports a particular theme, presenting evidence to strengthen it and then delivering a conclusion. A biological review essay demonstrates that writer has thorough understanding of the literature and can formulate a useful analysis.

A good rule of thumb to follow is to pose question at the outset of the paper that one intends to answer. This gives the paper a coherence and allows one to keep a focus on the question and its answer, using the readings critically for this purpose. One has not to make any additional research or reference to any outside works in writing these papers. The aim is to develop writing and analytical skills, not research skills. The readings form the raw material on which one has to make a coherent and critical argument.

There are two important steps: developing an argument about what reviewed in the essay and completing a well-organized review. A critical analysis provided by writer of the essay should also be based on other writings and opinions of experts. Review essays have general pattern: introduction, summary of the book, critical discussion and conclusion.

A good review essay shows writer’s feelings and opinions on the major themes and conveys that an author tries to pass across in a piece of literature. It is critical discussion and evaluation of a book where the opinion of writer about book is supported by concrete evidence. The review essay should be based on the views or analysis of other writers about the book. It requires two stages: developing an argument about the essay and writing a well-organized review.

The purpose of Review Essay is to make readers understand the arguments and main points of  several readings and also organize them into a coherent, integrated and thematic fashion. This type of essay does not aim to develop research skills of writer, thus it is not expected to make research outside the given papers. The key purpose of the paper is to develop analytical and writing skills.

Review essays are single work attempt to thoroughly restate the author’s ideas. Summarize the conclusions of author or focus before describing the work itself. For example, for biography of Abraham Lincoln, one might briefly summarize the former president’s life before examining what works the biographer used and how the new biography adds knowledge to what we already know about Lincoln. By summarizing the single work and reviewing how it was assembled, one can consider how successful the work was at accomplishing the goals.   

Review essays focusing on work related to a single topic seek to summarize and compare the major positions, a variety of writers have on that topic. Summarize every work, describe how it was created and reflect on how it fits with the other works. For example, in review works related to the topic of climate change, one could explain how a work written by a climate change denier purposefully attempts to disprove a second work by a climate change believer. Such essays show the development of thinking on any topic and potentially reveal new ways to approach it.       

An essay reviewing a collection of works by a single author tries to see these different works as part of an author’s lifelong writing career. In addition to summarizing each work and describing how they were created; one should also reflect on how these works fit together. For example, for the collected works of a travel writer, one might explain how each successive work in the author’s career show her opening up to new and different global cultures. Such a review essay is just as much about the author as it is in his works.

Good Review essays help make sense of written works, one may use for a longer research project. They require one to summarize, thoroughly explain and sometimes synthesize ideas found in essays. One can write a review essay focusing on a single work or a body of works by a single author or a collection of works about a single topic.

Though all review essays attempt to examine whether a work accomplishes its self-described goals, some review essays build upon their summaries and analyse to critique a source. Overall, the good review essay summarizes the current state of knowledge of the topic. It creates complete, easy and detailed understanding of the topic for the reader by discussing the findings presented in recent research papers.

By: Kamlesh Manchanda

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