Clean India Green India: Innovative Essay for kids

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Food, water, shelter are known as the basic needs of human. Health is now called as the fourth need which is directly related to Cleanliness and that is why it finds so much importance. By understanding the importance and the following the vision of Mahatma Gandhi, government of India initiated a nationwide program called Clean India Green India.  

It should be highlighted here that there are two components in in the mission Clean India Green India, that are clean and green. At one hand cleanliness would provide hygienic and healthy life on the other hand green atmosphere would provide pollution free healthy life.

While developed countries already understood the importance of cleanliness in daily life, developing country like India is also trying to catch up rapidly.

Advantage of Clean India Green India campaign

  • The biggest advantage of this campaign can be seen and realized by witnessing the drastic decrease in number of open defecation, thanks to the creation of large numbers of  individual, group, and public restrooms.
  • The cleanliness, hygiene and aesthetic appeal are improved by many folds in public places like railway stations, park, government offices, schools etc.
  • Good sanitation habits change the behavioural changes
  • It would helpin promoting good health
  • It would help in keeping clean and beautiful surroundings
  • It would preventcontagious diseases by curbing breeding of mosquitoes
  • It would lessen the chances of any viruses or bacteria to harm us
  • We are now utilizing solid wastes, promoting reuses and recycling
  • New startups are coming up to take the challenge and at the same time earning money by waste disposal and recycling.
  • New and ambitious projects are coming up like generation of hydrogen from waste. As we know hydrogen is the fuel of future and such initiatives would definitely help the next generation

How to achieve the goal of clean India Green India effectively

  • Personal hygiene: trim your nails, bath daily brushing twice as day, consume clean water, cleaned fruits and vegetables. We can maintain cleanliness by bathing regularly. It is very important to wash our hands before eating food.
  • Surroundings: dusting, claning drive in and around, Habit of thrwing the unwanted items only in designated dustbin. Never litter the roads
  • Plantation and Prevention of deforestation: The awareness should also include about the camping on plantation and prevention of deforestation.  
  • Eradication of plastics: Plastic is one of the primary causes of environmental degradation.we should make a habit of using only reusable carry bags (or paper bags) and say NO to the plastics
  • By minimizing pollution
  • Curbing Anti-enviornmental practices
  • By encourage recycling and reusing
  • Anti-dumping policy: India is seriously threatened by the indigenous garbage and dumped garbage from the developed countries and china. There should be strict anti-dumping policy to be implemented.


It is something which must not be forced but encouraged. It is the responsibility of parents, teachers and educated people of the society to take up this issue and help in outreach to others for making awareness about importance of the campaign clean India green India. If everyone does their bit responsibly, we can make our country cleaner and greener.

Written By: Aadhya Paul

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Note: This essay can be used as reference essay on the topic Clean India Green India 100 words or Clean India Green India 150 words or Clean India Green India 250 words or Clean India Green India 500 words or Clean India Green India 1000 words. This essay is written by kid i.e essay for kid on Clean India Green India. This is a winning essay on Clean India Green India in a national level contest.


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