Autmn apathy

By: Stepashkina Alina Vladimirovna

Autmn Image Source: Photographer: Mike Yukhtencko
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Autmn apathy

Ever closer to October, the weather becomes more and more sorrowful. It manifests of deep dark tranquility, surrounding every insignificant creature who still tries to warm up losing its warm heart. That’s still beats but rate becomes slower and slower, losing that sun-september happiness and inspiration, resudial summer energy.

That’s all for now – gentle sun shine is hidden behind rough grey cloth. All what we have now are non-stop rains and dirt under feet, consisting of fallen leaves. Sweet warm summer winds are merciless supplanted by severe northern storms.

Autmn apathy is coming…

Nights, now deep and full of spooky darkness. They don’t let you sleep peacefully, the body is torn by tormented insomnia, pain of suffering feels a tedious heart, a heart thirsting for peace.

Days are long, become a dull thread, a lump of commonplace, a drag-and-drop, engulfing every creature slowly and painfully. At such moments your immediate surroundings becomes dust on shelves, humidity and piercing cold.

You are depressed. You feel emotionless, dullness of all impressions presses upon your fallen creature.

Apathy becomes your partner…

Your days pass in lazy senselessness, waiting for another surging of soul cheerfulness, but before that long and you are forced to suffer cruelly from inactivity.

Everything seems to be pointlessly. Usual things, moment which made you be happy earlier, now just poison your being.

You don’t even try to undermine that vicious circle of angst.

One day, having woke up on Sunday morning, you realize continuation of your favourite book to be published. Turning on TV you notice your beloved film to be on. Opening some cupboards you find your favourite sweets.

These small but very pleasant things make your smile to bloom on the face. Everything will be presented in a completely new light. The nature behind the window is not sad, days are not actually routine, and carry in itself little joy that you don’t notice.

Apathy recedes…

You have a perfect day – joy bursting inside you, releasing from the shackles of apathy. This feeling is amazing, isn’t that?

Life seems to be not so bad, not so boring. You truly hope to keep this feeling alive until the end of the dark days of autumn.

Apathy seems to leave your soul…

Is it really so beautiful, is this enbearable feeling finally letting go of the body? The heart is delighted and you, with this wonderful embodiment, live for a while and sorrowful October seems to be greatest creation of nature. You rejoice at every moment and there are no these notorious bouts of the soul’s depressing state. Life is getting better -one Sunday morning turned life into what seemed to be absolute happiness. Everything is not a thing – there is energy to solve your problems, read, learn, live…

Life seemed beautiful in all its manifestations, but everything ends and the apathy returns to its vicious circle…

That’s how our life goes. At one moment you’ll again feel a piercing fatigue and a mental burnout and in all fullness, having succumbed to it, you will suffer under the influence of the stereotype that autumn is a time of sadness…

By: Stepashkina Alina Vladimirovna

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