A Message from Tomorrow’s Age

Samrik Majumder

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A Message from Tomorrow’s Age

Dear Page,
      What a mysterious tomorrow we await.
While all of my remaining power was being snatched from me and mixed into the newer generations, the podium was being given over to younger men and women, taunting my weakness. How I just feel forgotten in today’s world, everyone no longer covered by my clouds, but by God’s blue scarf.
Who am I, you ask? Well, I was once very powerful, a sea of numbers that came from our bloodline created a hierarchy that defined whom to trust, whom to give responsibility to, and whom to forget (except for me). I have many synonyms in the English dictionary as if anyone knew all, but I’m best known as AGE, though legally known as AGE III, the successor of AGE II. It’s funny to know that I have aged myself and am living into my golden years, I’m 500 years already. Well, that’s mostly because I don’t mind manipulating my own life span a bit given that I’m the one in power, a thing those humans call ‘Corruption’. But enough of my truly impressive introduction, and more about the reason I’m writing this.

You see, I never had anything to complain about since my childhood, my uncle (AGE II) had a very easy job, his human customers would themselves decide who was more powerful just by a simple number that comes from our bloodline, which was age. It literally seemed as if the years etched upon their weathered face, became the measure of their rightful place. So, you could say, that all we had to do was to enjoy ourselves.
Much to my dismay, I had to take over this trend when my uncle stepped down, just as the 21st Century approached. I still clearly remember what he told me as he was leaving the office:

“Son, always remember, that in this world, we are the ones who decide that who gets the wealth, power, and knowledge.”

The first few years were quite easy. The thing is that we all got one shot in this big game called LIFE and the stakes are our future generations, why risk it on immature youngsters? At least that is what I thought. But then I noticed that the world had much changed. Young people started taking hold of the podium, I was losing importance. Fast forward just a few years and a pandemic spread out like wildfire, and what a fancy name it was given; COVID-19… Finally, some ice on the wounds of my respect. But, either the ‘world is too good to be true’, or the whole universe is a big cosmic joke. Literally, when the pandemic rolled in, young people started using social media to pulverize me with their followers and likes. Another thing popping up was young entrepreneurs, creating startups and businesses that literally could easily solve everything except for the depression I got from my shattered importance. Even the Commonwealth Heads of Government declared 2023 as the Year of Youth, adding oil to the already bright-lit fire. I felt that I should give up at this point, but every (so-called) king must consult an advisor.
And I had a popular belief:

“Winners have a plan, while others have excuses”

And yes, I’m totally not bragging about me being a winner, it’s just the truth. But, enough of that, and back to my advisor. You see, I have kept a secret from you all, which is my ‘Poetic Helpdesk’. No literally, it recites inspirational poems as if they were on the lip of its totally present tongue. No, it’s not a person but in fact, a mirror. So, as the plot goes on, I go to the ‘Poetic Helpdesk’ and climb the small stand placed in front of it so as to match my height with it. Then I ask my first question, “Why is youth becoming the key highlight to everything these days, even when their immature acts can ruin the future of all?”. Literally, in a few seconds, I got my reply…

In a world where age defines our worth,
Seeking validation in every wrinkle since birth.
The days are gone when knowledge took its time,
Now youth stands tall and high, claiming the prime.

The truth is that age is always just a guide,
It is literally a number, not a truth to abide.
So we must let youth also stand up and win,
For maturity is not a number, but a trophy within.

Well, I can’t be the only one who feels bad for my own bloodline being a nuisance in the human world, but we had questions to answer before we could go through this emotional gibberish. So, I proceeded with my next question which was; “So does that mean that only young people should get to do everything in the world?”. And as usual, I got a prompt response from the ‘Poetic Helpdesk’.

In the realm of time, where moments come and fade,
There lies wisdom born, from the years we’ve braved.
For age, my honorable master, is not a foe to fear,
But the one with experience, of life’s every year.

In youth’s bright dawn, we sing and dance with glee,
Yet age presents upon us, a sight keener to see.
As the seasons pass, we have more things to take care,
All in an album of memories, as if a gem that was rare.

With their experience, we shall find the key,
To unlock the path, to our ultimate destiny.
And so, some things have an age, with time shall unfold,
And don’t forget my master, that even for youth, ‘Old is Gold’.

At this point, I was literally having a breakdown, not mentally, but emotionally. The thing is that in the same big game called LIFE, there is no instruction manual for us, we need to learn from the experienced and develop at the pace we do, because in this game, even though there are old players and new players and there will always be so, their experience and maturity in the game depend on whether they really know how to play that game. Frankly speaking, I do not, and I shall never know till I realize the sentiment filled in the humble celebrations from birth to the golden years of the end. At that moment, I had one last question left to be answered, and with the remaining words that were at the tip of my tongue, I said, “But my Uncle always said that we are the ones who decide who gets the wealth, power, and knowledge. But, why am I myself failing in these three goals?”.

But then, something shocking happened, In the mirror of the Poetic Helpdesk, I saw myself disintegrating into the air in the form of bubbles, and then, for the first time in
my life, I saw the namely Poetic Helpdesk speak out lines that did not rhyme.

“I learned to recite poems from you, before that, I never knew how to rhyme even. But then I saw you, a small innocent child then. Playing around with no aim in life, but that did give you a mystical talent, you recited poems very well. I learned alongside you and today, I am what I am, the Royal Poetic Helpdesk.

The thing is that, those who live for wealth, are never satisfied,
those who live for power, are always second to someone else,
and those who live for intellect, always feel like a rebel,
but those who live for nothing, know the value of everything.

Master, with all due respect, the problem with you is that you have always thought that being ‘AGE’, you should promote only one category of people. However, that is not the case, YOU ARE ‘AGE’, not ‘OLD’ or ‘YOUNG’. So, why not support the young and the old at the same time so as to maintain a balance, always remember, that even we are young in front of this old and massive universe. Yet we learned and grew under the same universe and then we are ourselves halting the development of the young. I’ll just end and say, that it is not too late yet…”

There is a popular saying in Hindi, ‘Sach Kadwa Hota Hai’ (The Truth is Bitter). I’ve always believed that there could be TWO sides to the SAME coin, but when it comes to AGE, the TRUTH is that there is the SAME side to TWO coins, namely young and old. Age doesn’t matter as there is the same game going on for all, it’s just the difference between who follows the correct path and who deviates from it. I will now try to mend my mistakes and I shall actively support youth development alongside the welfare of the already winners of the game, namely the old. It all makes me want to point out…
What a mysterious tomorrow we await.

AGE (A Gratuitous Echelon)

By: Samrik Majumder

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