7 Innovative Ways to Sanitary

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Our world is getting developed with technology; this technology also makes human population think more innovative for the development of India. As Abdul Kalam sir said our India is going to get developed by 2020. Do you think it is? The major dispute is sanitation. This problem is not like we do not get proper food, water etc. It is the problem where every human’s fundamental right has been violated. We are talking about sanitation, what is sanitation? The answer is very simple hygienic and and clean. Why it is necessary for a human being? There are many diseases spreading all over humans. By not having a proper sanitation facility there are millions of people affected by diseases like cholera, typhoid, urinary infections, etc. A human needs a hygienic and properly maintained sanitation facility. What if a person is not allowed to have a sanitation of his own? There are people who praise religious beliefs which still exist in some parts of rural and urban areas. In ancient, there lived both high and low caste people. Most of the lower caste people rights was been violated by the high caste people. They were not allowed to enter to enter the temple visited by the high caste people, they not drink or eat in the house of high caste people, low caste children were not allowed to have education, and they also considered them as untouchability. Especially people who belong to Dalit caste were illtreated like a dog. One of the famous books speaks about the incident of a Dalit person. “Joothan a Dalit’s life written by Omprakash Valmiki shared this awful experience. One day he came to school as usual. After entering the school he was been forced by his head master to clean the school and the restrooms. He cleaned as per the order his elder and later he felt unusual of this incident .he was been humiliated such a way that made him to depress. Not only this, there are also many more humiliated and mentally abused stories in the history. The major problems faced by the rural women are there is no proper sanitation facility {or} toilet due to this they can’t lead a hygienic and healthy life. The famous Bollywood movie “Toilet ek prem katha” describes which has a hero and heroine .this story is based upon the heroine after the marriage with hero, she leaves him for not having a toilet in his house. So the hero hard works a lot to build a single toilet. Women in rural areas mostly doesn’t have a habit of using sanitary napkins during menstruation, instead they use cloth. One more movie which describes about this is Padman which describes a man who makes pads by his own for the women in rural areas. Many children, men, women die for not having a proper sanitation. Now let us see how to keep us hygienic and healthy:

  • We have to wash our hands before three meals a day.
  • We have to clean our hands using a soap or sanitizer.
  • After using the washroom we are suppose to clean our hands with clean fresh water.
  • We are suppose to keep our private parts hygienic by applying soap and washing it in clean water to avoid any infections.
  • Any sanitary wastes must be disposed in dustbins.

   Until now we saw about self cleanliness. Now we will see how to keep our surroundings clean. God has gifted us with beautiful gift which has air, water, food, and resources needed in our daily life. But we utilize and throw them. We throw the wastes in the earth’s surface. But not even a single time we think about what is going to happen? We throw the wastes in the road but mostly we dump plastics which are eaten by stray dogs, this choke them which results in death. Not only dogs many cows swallow the plastics along with banyan leaf this also results in death.

Many factories dump the factory waste into the river, sea or ocean. But will happen if it get inside the water? Many types of aquatic species live in the water but most common is fishes. Most of the factory waste consists of chemical and toxics. When the fishes and turtles feed on these plastics chemicals they die and we eat these chemicals which we threw in the water which is consumed by the turtles with the imagination of jelly. Most of the turtles face extinction due this problem. There is an English proverb which suits humans perfectly “as you sow you will reap”. Not only this had we also burst crackers during Diwali but we pray to god that my family should live with happiness and prosperity. But we bring diseases and unhealthy life. So to accelerate the efforts to achieve universal sanitation coverage and to put focus on sanitation.

The prime minister of India Shri Narendra Modi launched Swachh Bharath mission on 2nd October, 2014. The mission aim to achieve a Swachh bharath by 2019, as a fitting tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th Birth anniversary. There are many more citizens who have actually hard worked for building a toilet. Sangeeta Ahuwale of Maharashtra sold her mangalsutra to build a toilet. 104 year old Kunwar Bai of Chhattisgarh sold her goats to build a toilet. A Muslim woman in Guntur of Andhra Pradesh presented a toilet to her new daughter in law. A school girl Lavanya strike in hunger to get the toilet. Over the two crore toilets are been built in urban and rural areas since the launch of swachh bharath. Do not discriminate anyone on the basis of caste, religion etc.

Everyone needed sanitation whether they are high or low. “Wealth can say whether you are high {or} low, but health says whether you are good {or} bad”. If wealth is lost nothing is lost but health is lost something is lost”. “Clean India green India”                    



Author BioS. FATEENA KAWTHAR, A participant of International Essay Competition,November.


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