By: Shameela Fatima Mirza

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(This poem is based on the story of Prophet Yusuf/ Joseph of Abrahamic religions, one of the most beautiful men on Earth. This poem is based on the story of when Prophet Yusuf as a kid was sold as a slave in Egypt to the second great man of Egypt named Potiphar and he gifted this young boy to his wife Zuleikha, the most beautiful woman of Egypt, Goddess from the temple of Amun.

Zuleikha raised him but slowly fell in love with him and her love reached great heights from being tender to obsession. She tried everything to get Yusuf but Yusuf’s constant disapproval led her to imprison him for years. She lost everything for love, her wealth, beauty, and glory but seeing her devotion for years to Yusuf, she was finally granted what she desired from the Lord.

Yusuf and Zuleikha are very popular in Persian Literature with several poems, plays, and movies based on them!)

I am Zuleikha,

The honor of Egypt.

Pride of Amun, Bride of Potiphar.

Beauty, power, wealth, and glory are all at my feet.

I am the living goddess of Amun,

Admired and envied by all.

My glare shakes the soul of men,

My pride and power stand grand on Nile land.

My command is the will of God,

I am Zuleikha, worshipped by all.

I had all the praises, had everything at my feet.

Except he, who I wanted. He, who I desired,.

He who never listened to my heart, never raised an eye on me.

He never feared my wrath nor fulfilled my greedy command.

He with whom, I am obsessed.

My love, my passion, my wrath, and my obsession,

I tortured him with all.

But, his heart never trembled.

His faith was mighty and strong.

I imprisoned him for years, thinking one day he would give in.

But years of torture didn’t break his faith or him.

He rose to glory and was now kin of the king.

He was praised by all in Egypt,

He was the honor of the king,

But his beauty never faded,

His heart never changed.

His eyes were still kind,

His words remained refined.

He was still my Yusuf, my slave.

The one I desired, the one I raised.

But, this Zuleikha suffered in pain.

Years of longing, years of separation,

Doomed this goddess in vain.

All these years, I searched every corner.

I went to every place to see the silhouette of my Yusuf.

To see his kind eyes, to see his pure face.

I called his name in pain all day.

I prayed to Amun with all my might.

My youth, my beauty, my power, my wealth!

I lost everything I had.

Only my love for Yusuf remained the same.

I lost my eyes! I am so ashamed.

I regretted everything, my Yusuf.

I can’t stand this pain.

They who used to bow for me are now laughing at my days.

They say this love has cursed me. They say I am insane.

I am tired, Yusuf!

I want to be as strong as your faith.

I ask your Lord to solve all my dismays.

Years later,

Destiny crossed our path together once again.

You stood on glory and I on disgrace.

I smelled your scent. I heard your voice.

I thanked my Lord in my last days.

I prayed to see you one last time.

Just once so I can die in peace.

Even after all that happened,

You still prayed along with me.

A miracle happened to my eyes.

I could see my Yusuf, his youthful sight.

I prostrate to my Lord!

For his beloved kindness.

Yusuf, our prayers turned into miracles.

My love and my yearning were heard.

I got my youth, my eyes, my faith.

I got my Yusuf, the one I love.

By: Shameela Fatima Mirza

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