Write an Essay Fast

By: Divya Pandey

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Academic Hindi and English exams are always furnished with a section on essay writing. The main thing is that the time is limited for completing the paper along with the essay because essay topics are given on spot. Moreover, we have not learned information about the essays that come. Situations like this always demand a fast way to write an essay. Here you will get ways or steps to write an essay fast.

Time management

To write an essay fast, it is important to know what time you have to finish the essay. Then plan according to the time. Key steps while planning the time should be If we have 20 minutes then,

a) Outline or framework  (2 mins)

b) Introduction (5 mins)

c) Body (8 mins)

d) Conclusion (3 mins)

e) Grammar checking or revision (2 mins)

Time management thus is the first step in writing an essay fast.

Understanding of the topic 

Essay topics should be always the priority before starting the essay. Generally what happens is, one reads the topic and hastily starts penning down the sudden sentences that come to his mind. That’s not the way. Firstly, read the topic analyze the topic from all dimensions for a few minutes, and pen down separately the subtopics. 

This would prevent leaking or forgetting of any important part to be mentioned in the essay. Also, when ways are made, writing becomes focused, fast and convenient. 


As stated above, one cannot just start jotting down words related to the topic of the essay, a well-organized framework of the main points and paragraphs is needed for a better insight into fast writing. Also, for getting good marks.

For example: if the topic of the essay is Air pollution, think about it, then pen down the basic framework or points that revolve around the topic. Say, Definition, causes, impacts, and how to curb air pollution? , individual steps to reduce air pollution. If this step is followed, writing becomes smoother and easier. Also from the wide angle, no dimensions are left. 

Information on the topic

One should always have in mind that there is no need for deep research, however, genuine and common information should be placed to add value to the essay. So add only vital information or if not needed, don’t go pressuring your mind for any vague information.

Reading habit

A person who reads better can write better. So give yourself time to read different articles, books, essays, etc. This would not just give you basic writing techniques Or ideas but would also boost your grip on any topic. 


Always have in mind that essays do not require deep research on specific subjects like a research paper. So avoid in-depth analysis or research because going deeper and deeper would bore you immensely and make your writing confusing and slower because at the end of the day, essays have word limits and you cannot concentrate on every piece of information in your essays. 

Simple words

It is a myth that using large and difficult words adds standard to the essay. The truth is that the easier language and simpler words you will use, the more comprehensible your essay becomes. In terms of standard, a good essay has a mild number of lavish words. Using simple words is a better option because lavish words would take time to memorize. Simple words would largely contribute to making your essay writing fast.


After the framework is prepared start adding a description to the subtopics. Adding all the points or sentences of one dimension in one paragraph makes the essay organized and splendidly clear. Paragraphs in an essay should be organized to highlight a better understanding of that topic in a very less time frame.


Essays should be written in a way that should arise curiosity and interest in the readers. So starting with a question in the essay would make it more relatable. 

For example: if the topic of the essay is Women Empowerment, you can start with the opening question: Do you think women of this century are lagging behind men? 

Questions like this add relevance to your essays. Moreover, framing questions would help gain speed on what subject you are writing on. Also, it is a fast way to start any essay and when the beginning is done, the entire body gets easy to complete.

Formulate your thoughts and ideas

Essay topics that ask you to share your flashback or experience or image should be handled carefully. Nevertheless, these topics are among the easiest ones. Focusing on these requires creativity and unique minds. However, these topics give us the liberty of following any pattern and structure. Thus, offering us speed.

Picture-based approach for narrative essay

Suppose you are given an essay topic – A counter with a ghost. So you can start writing on it by first imagining a scene relevant to the topic in your mind. Like you are going by road at late night and suddenly you hear someone’s footsteps and you get afraid. So when someone will read this, he would get the exact picture that you imagined. Moreover, this approach would make writing an essay a task of enthusiasm, ultimately, boosting your speed.

By: Divya Pandey

Write and Win: Participate in Creative writing Contest & International Essay Contest and win fabulous prizes.

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