World Population day

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World population day is an  annual event which is celebrated every year on 11 July. The main motive of this event is to create an awareness about the increasing population in the minds of the people. This event was introduced by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989. This day is inspired by the 11th July of 1987, when the World Population reached reached a 5 milion mark.The main aim of the World population Day is to create awareness among the people regarding population issue, gender equality, human right, etc. The suggestion for this day was given by Dr. KC Zacharich. According to the recent census, every year around 83 million people is being added to the population. India is the second most populated country after China and has a population of 17.5 percent as a whole.Tokyo is the world’s most populated city. It has a population of around 37 million. The  Second most populated city is Delhi, which has a population of 29 million. It is believed that by 2020, there is going to be a fall in the population of Tokyo and by 2028 Delhi is going be the world’s most populated city. On the other hand, Vatican city is the world’s less populated city with a population of just 800.Our ever-increasing researches in the medical field has increased the life expectancy. However, this decreases the mortality rate, leading to overpopulation, with consideration of a constant birth rate, as more people live longer and hence, populate the planet simultaneously. Improvement in the health care sector supported by a proper supply of nutritious food since the period of industrial revolution has made the death rates to decrease vastly. As the birth rate remains unaffected and a decrease in the death rates, indicates towards a growth in the population.Industrial and agricultural revolution. The revolution in the industrial and agricultural sector has led to an increase in the population growth. As the production of food and other necessary goods increased due to the efficiency of machines and the use of fertilizers and pesticides in increasing the harvest, people were able to raise more children, which in future could do the same. Thus, there has been a never ending overpopulation coil, which resulted into an exponential increase in the population on this planet currently. Increase in production of food an important aspect of increase in the population on the planet is progress in methods of production of food. As farmers educated themselves on techniques to increase their yield this eventually led to increase in wealth and also in their number of children, which caused an increase in the population. This statement seems to oppose the logical thought process that poverty contributes to population growth. The main rationale behind this that people suffering from poverty usually don’t have any government associated pension schemes. So, on growing old they are dependent on their progeny for survival. Thus, the number of children in an underdeveloped or developing nation is often higher than in any developed nations. Also, these children are supposed to work on their fields for earning a life, and thus led to increase in the population.Another prominent reason for the current overpopulation scenario is religion as people a child is a gift of god and aborting or using contraceptives cause is a sin. Thus, with no use contraceptives, increase in population is unavoidable.Migration and concentration in urban area. Migration and increased concentration in urban areas creates local increase in population. Urbanization has prospered over the past few decades. This caused a shift from farming as a primary option to the service sector. Therefore, people in big numbers started moving to cities to find jobs. This caused an increase in the population in the urban areas. A huge number of people every year move from one country to another country due to various situations like wars or drought, famine, etc. This problem is estimated to increase in the near future due to global warming. Due to less production of grains in the region, more people will be forced to migrate to countries with no such conditions to gain higher living standards. This also causes local overpopulation certain regions. In various countries around the globe, people get married at a young age leading to more chances of producing children in the entire course of their lives. Also, due to lack of proper education and increased family pressure, women feel responsible to give birth to as many children as the man wants as they are often been told that this is their only purpose of their life. This is a major issue in developing nations.

Author: Gaurav Prajapati


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