Women Empowerment – Know It’s Real Mean

By: Supriya K S

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Men and women both act as the faces of the same coin for the overall development and progress of the Nation. Imbalance in this equation leads to a lot of destruction, poverty, bankruptcy and hinders the overall development of the Nation. Women Empowerment has been the talk of the Town from a decade now, considering the prowess shown and proved by women in varied fields be it sports, politics, entertainment, media, education etc. and made our Nation proud. The process of creating power in women to live a happy and respectable life in the society is rightly termed as Women Empowerment. This is the process of empowering women.

“There is no chance of the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing”– Swami Vivekananda

Living Way of Life

Due to several foreign invasions, women in India were curbed and deprived of living a comfortable life outdoors. They had to face lots of restrictions and limitations. They were just confined within their respective houses and had no freedom to move around freely in the society. Some of the renowned thinkers in Bengal tried to uplift the process of women empowerment during the time of Bengal Renaissance that is in the middle of the nineteenth century.

Perfect Idea of Womanhood

Among them, Swami Vivekananda played a very prominent role in this. According to him, the idea of perfect womanhood is perfect independence. Swami Vivekananda believed that women were the living images of Shakti. Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo strongly believed and accepted that Education is the only means to achieve Women Empowerment. They tried to uplift the status of females in Bengal society rather than imposing external laws for banning them. 

Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment is encouraging more and more girls to have passion and dedication in life to achieve their ambitions and fly out in great colours in both their personal and professional lives. This will eventually make their family, Nation, and themselves happy, proud, and satisfied. Many women have great inspiring stories of success which provokes the zeal in every individual to achieve something special in life. Because of this strong move of Women Empowerment, there is equal pay for both men and women in all fields without any discrimination.

Equality in Society

Women have proved that they are equally potent and capable as men in all fields of life. They are not only good managers at home but are also capable of extending their experience in different fields of work. They are proven to have higher emotional tolerance to many things compared to men. With the enforcement of many policies and rules favouring women all over the world, outlook about women empowerment has changed in various dimensions be it in terms of girl education, promoting and encouraging women to take up higher and distinctive positions in jobs in various fields such as corporate world, politics, public affairs, education, media and mass communication, literature etc.

More Inspiration for Women

“Getting to equal” is highly popularised and being implemented in most of the companies in the corporate field to encourage and inspire more women to develop interest and take up jobs in science and technology fields. Many women in olden times have set great examples of balancing both personal and professional life and have achieved great feats in their respective fields. They have won great laurels to their respective Nations and family by bagging the prestigious Nobel Prize to other such similar high Civilian awards.

Compared to olden times, peoples’ thinking about women and their perspectives have changed a lot in a significant way. Girl students are being provided with scholarships in huge numbers which is encouraging more rural and under privileged girls to take up education and shape their respective future in a successful way. Women must take inspirations from examples of ancient Indian highly-educated females like Khana, Sita, Savitri, Damayanti, Gargi, Maitreyi, Atreyi, Aditi, Apala, Lopamudra etc and must construct their own characters after seeing the image of them. Women education should not indulge in just reading meaningless books but also in religion learning, character building, self-defence techniques and performing Brahmacharya.

Swami Vivekananda states that women, after being educated in the above mentioned education, can be powerful enough so that they can become equal with male. In this way empowered women can be considered as Ideal Women. Imbibition of these qualities eventually leads them to become ideal wives and ideal mothers post marriage. Women have rightly proved their stand, by winning the maximum number of medals in Olympics as well and have removed the misconception that women too can physically be as strong and fit as men. Women have surpassed all the obstacles in their respective lives, faced opposition to many aspects and still have achieved their feat.

The percentage of women studying medicine, engineering, literature, mass media and technology related courses is drastically increasing in huge numbers because of the open opportunities provided to them along with the encouragement, motivation, guidance, support, and help provided to them. The very act of appointing a Women President to the Nation strongly supports the action of Women Empowerment where she can exercise her duties and responsibilities towards the overall welfare and development of the Nation along with the development of other fellow women in the country.

Final Thought

Occupying such high positions and exercising duty motivates young girls, who are the future of this Nation, to achieve their passion and ambitions without any fear and hesitation. It is the duty of each and every individual in our country to respect and look upto every woman as our mothers, sisters, teachers and well-wishers and support them in achieving their endeavours. With the change in peoples’ outlook and perspective, since everyone is moving towards equality and away from the old school of thinking, women are no more restricted to kitchen, taking care of household and family and have moved on, way better in their lives to become successful without any hesitation.

“If you do not allow one to become a lion, he will become a fox. Women are a power, only now it is more for evil because man oppresses women; she is the fox, but when she is no longer oppressed, she will become the lion.”

By: Supriya K S

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