The Hobby Called Creative Writing

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Writing is a habit which is slowly fading away. People are now more used to typing on their smartphones and laptops. It is now very rare to find someone writing with their pen and paper. But during the pandemic there has been rise in the sale of fountain pens. The good old fountain pens are now again in trend due to their long-lasting capability, high ink capacity feature as well as their ability to improve someone’s handwriting. As people had more time to spend with their family, there was increase in leisure time in daily routine also. So, many of us are now preferring to invest our time in writing or more specifically creative writing or essay writing in different essay contest.

Essay or article writing has also been able to see a rise in adoption as more people are now taking part in online essay writing contests. There is also an added advantage that now we have many writing competitions online, but with a certain set of rules and regulations. Essay competitions like Heartfulness Essay Competition in India, The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition and others which are being held for quite a long time now, are also being organized online. This gives a benefit to the general public that they can participate in such contests and also helps in creating more awareness for such competitions. Along with the online softcopy submissions, there is also option of submitting the hard copy of our articles through post in some contests.

But there is also disadvantage of having an essay competition online. This can be in the form of plagiarism. Now, we all have a vast number of online publications available anytime on the internet. So, there is no shortage of content and information online. This can compel some capable people to actually become lazy and simply copy the essay from the internet and send that to a competition. This can be unfair to the people who are actually working hard to win a contest and are actually making their contribution on their own. But there is solution for that too. Now, we also have websites like SmallSeoTools that can help us detect plagiarism in the submissions.

On the other hand, software like Grammarly also give some advantage to the writers as they help in improving the vocabulary as well the grammar of the essay or article or any other creative content.There are also webinars which are being held on platforms like Zoom and Paytm Insider, that can help people in understanding the basics or important factors for a creative content. By taking part in such webinars and workshops we can definitely develop our creative thinking from any corner of the world. After that we can also take part in creative writing contests and win exciting prizes.

In our modern society, there is also a problem of mindset of people. It is in terms of the perception people have towards the different professions. We can even experience it in our daily lives.If someone is planning to become a creative writer, then the first impression of the public is like, what will be the secondary option for the writers if they fail in their profession. Our society is still very much obedient to the old ways of choosing the profession. For most of us, profession still means being a doctor or an engineer. It sometimes creates a barrier in young people’s mind that being a creative writer will not yield the desired results in their life and so they tend to choose the regular professions. But we can help them to understand that people like J.K. Rowling and Stephen King are also successful and are also a source of inspiration for millions of people.

Now, being an essay writer or any other creative writer can be helpful in making our lives much lighter as it will help us inbringing out the thoughts we have in our minds to the outer world. It can be a tool to express our thoughts, imagination and our ideas regarding a difficult situation or a specific topic or even an imaginative scenario. If we take part in creative writing competitions, then it can help us in also researching a habit as well as will result in increasing our knowledge on a particular topic. It can improve our communication skills through writing in terms of expressing our thoughts in a more clear and simpler words. It can also sometimes help us in making a positive point of view towards a case or can also result in changing our mindset towards something.

Creative writing is one of those fields where gender equality has been present for a long time. Actually, gender inequality is a topic which has not been given much importance in field of creative writing. Irrespective of gender, creative writing competitions have both male as well female winners from time to time. Similar to that, there is also the advantage of showing the world the real picture of the society in the form of words. It actually can create clarity in our minds, can also result in rights or war in some places, can help in creating a positive atmosphere for someissues andcan also help in developing the minds of some of the people.

So, it is important that we need to promote essay writing, creative writing and essay contest or in other words creative writing competitions. The creative content thus created is ultimately free of the economic factors, financial status as well as the negative elements of the society. In a sense, it tries to reflect to us the future which we want to see for us and the entire planet. So, in a few beautiful words………

“Writing is its own reward.”–Henry Miller

By: Raunak Jha


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