Women Empowerment

By: Aabruti Chakraborty

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Women empowerment in our society seems to be the most powerful act. It throws a war between the humanity and the society. This act demands to uplift the women. The term woman symbolised the womb which carries the whole universe. From the past scenarios, we can assume that, women had suffered a lot and still suffering in many ways.

From the past stories, it has been noticed that, from Goddess Lakshmi to Sita to Radha, everyone has faced so many challenges and till now women confronts negligence in many areas. It has been come to the notice that some legal opportunities has arrived for the women safety purpose, violence act, discrimination. But some of the weaker sections like Scheduled tribes and minorities often been neglected in these policies.

Goals and Policies for the women empowerment

The main goal of the policies is to provide a good and healthy lifestyle for the women. By strengthening the rules, it helps to sort out the problem of discrimination, frees up from violence, harassment. Some markable rules and regulations are:-

In 1961 – “The Dowry Prohibition Act” was passed for the restriction of the dowry system.

In 2005 – “The Protection Of Women From Domestic Violence Act” was passed for the diminution of the domestic violence.

In 2017 – “The Maternity Benefit Act” was passed to provide a maternity leave during the period of pregnancy.

There are many more schemes that has been sanctioned throughout the years are “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao”, “Mahila-E-Haat”, “Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana”.

Journey of some famous women in our society

Rani Lakshmi Bai – She was known to be as “Jhansi Ki Rani”, the queen of Maratha or Maharashtra, her real name was Manikarnika Tambe. She was born on 19th of November, 1828 and died at a very young age (18 June, 1858). She was a very cheerful and desperate woman. Rani Lakshmi Bai have the courage to fought against the whole society, she used to be a professional horse rider. On 1857, a battle was held in Meerut and she played the role of a warrior and defended her city, Jhansi. She was married to Gangadhar Rao Newalkar. During the war, she fought with the British troops, tied her son on her back. But she failed to win the war, her body was buried under a tree after her death. Rani Lakshmi Bai fought for freedom, and she will always be remembered  as a woman freedom fighter.

Kiran Bedi – Known to be as the famous woman IAS officer, her real name was Kiran Peshawaria, born on 9th of June, 1949. She also played tennis before joining the police service. She has won the President’s Police Medal, in 1979. As, she had done some reformation in 1994 at Tihar Jail, so she has won the Roman Magsaysay Award. Kiran Bedi became the first woman to appoint as the chief of the United Nations Police. She was a very strong woman with dedication. She had lived her life by following her own rules and achieved all the goals.

Mother Teresa – Born on 26th of August, 1910. She was known as Saint Teresa. She has devoted her life to the poor people, orphan children, and to the sick people. She had dealt with criticism, but still survived to help those needy people. Mother Teresa have also fought for female rights. Her journey was not very easy but she refused to give up and followed the path which was right for her and the society.

Opal Tometi – Identified by the name Ayo Tometi, she was a human rights activist, from Nigerian – American community. She was appointed as the head architect and as an Executive Director, she has taken a decision for the black community of their immigration rights purpose. She had also started a movement on Black Lives Matter (BLM) for their freedom. Opal Tometi has won many awards throughout the years. Her brave personality made every impossible task into a possible way.

Tarana Burke – Well known for the “Me Too” movement which has been done by her initiative, she is an American activist, it is a famous international movement. By the help of this movement, women can share their personal issues regarding sexual violence. In 2007, Burke started a page for the wellness and safety of the young female group, the page was named as “Just Be Inc”. She empowered the women for exploring the truth.


Though there are many more names in this example list, those who have fought for the women rights, a grand salute to all the women. And also, there are many men like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Mahatma Gandhi, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Luke Martin, Susan B. Anthony, who have fought for gender equality. If women have the same potential and equal capability like men bears, then discrimination is just an inappropriate word that has been used in the society. Men and women are equally important just like the sunlight and the moonlight. For the proper balance of the universe, both man and woman has taken birth, so for the betterment, every individual should respect each other.

By: Aabruti Chakraborty

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