The Best Way to Grading an Essay

By: Aabruti Chakraborty

3/5 - (2 votes)


Essay is written for sharing personal vision on any topic with limited words and therefore the composition is shorter. Essay writing is completed by researching on a specific topic and to groom the selected topic by rectifying the spelling, correcting the grammar, applying appropriate arguments. While grading an essay writing, there are many steps that ought to followed.

Not everyone has the potential to check an essay paper thoroughly. An enormous amount of concentration is required, also the author who writes essay has great presence of mind. Most vital thing while checking an essay is to differentiate the errors, firstly for the minor errors and secondly the major errors.

Steps to rectify the error in an essay

Some basic steps to be followed –

The content must contain attractive and knowledgeable ideas.

Comma, semi colon, full stop, abbreviations should be utilized in correct place according to the sentence.

By using unique words or sentences, the essay gets attention from the essay checker.

Check the spelling and therefore the grammar part before submitting the essay.

It should be plagiarism free, in order that the essay gets selected and acquire good marks and appreciation as well.

Important steps to be ensued by the essay checker

Before checking an essay, the essay checker should calmly decide the progress of the writer because the result can create a good or a bad effect.

Pencil is that the best medium to rectify the mistake from the essay.
Underlining and marking the wrong words or the incorrect sentences is mandatory.

Specification is important, writing comments while checking the paper should be neat.

Using of red pen in the essay is not required for detecting the mistakes, offering a short note at the end of the essay is perfect.

Praising with attractive comments can encourage the writer.

Repeatedly checking the essay paper would help to opt out the main mistakes.

Fixing out the mistake by providing an example of a similar kind of essay to the essay writer.

Grading an essay

Dividing the marks into different categories makes easier during the judgement process. Marks should be categorise in this process-
Introduction = _/5
Thesis = _/20
Paragraph = _/20
Argument = _/20
Organization = _/15
Grammar = _/5
Spelling = _/5
Sources = _/10

After dividing the marks, the numbers gives a meaning that would vary with the progress report.

Grade “A” (100-90) :- This grade denotes an outstanding performance of the author. It shows that the writer has fulfilled all the criteria which has been provided from the writing sources and also have shown an unique style of writing by putting knowledgeable facts.

Grade “B” (89-80) :- This grade denotes that the author has performed well and the paper is organised but a little improvement is required for the betterment and also the writer has to put some creative ideas.

Grade “C” (79-70) :- This grade signifies that the author  should need to improve. Originality is missing but can do better.

Grade “D” (69-60) :- This grade indicates that due to lack of revision, the essay does not fulfills the requirements, thus the essay needs better content and style.

Grade “F” (Below 60) :- Those who put effort does not receive this grade, the grade denotes that the essay is within the reject list.

Though, a professional essay checker always encourage the author and genuinely show the mistakes and avoids using negative comments, so  that the author gets the enthusiasm and writes better in future.

Plagiarism checking details

While writing an essay, the author should keep in mind about the plagiarism report. Many of the writers does not know about plagiarism, and a plagiarism checking tool is available where the author can rectify their mistakes. Genuine writers shows their own talent by writing the paper in their own style and people who tries to copy from different sources or pay money to someone else, these papers do not get selected.

Writers must follow the plagiarism process, it is a review process. Judgement is completed by determining the utilisation of the source material. If the source is fair, the paper gets a positive response and further had a huge chance of publication.


Grading is completed for the improvement of the writers. If writing is chosen as a profession, then the author must possess a immense quota of dedication and focus. Plenty of research process is needed before writing a paper. Calm headed and innovative minded person can explore their writing talent to the world by sharing their original paper to different social platforms. Grading system helps the author to get a proper information about their strengths and their weak points. Writing a paper with originality and with own language helps to upgrade the intelligence quotient level in different fields.

A writer has the potential to encourage other as well as can demoralise others mind, so always choose the letter of the pen to show the right path. A writer is a wonderful spectator who watches everything and expresses it with the perfect words in front of the world.

By: Aabruti Chakraborty

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