Who Will Want to Write an Essay Fast?

By: Ann Ezeh

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Who will want to write an essay fast? When you have 24 hrs in a day, 7 days a week and 4 weeks a month. First off, let’s start with the term essay. An essay is a short-term paper of your own opinion. An essay could either be descriptive, expository, argumentative or otherwise. To write an essay fast, consider the time given and the length of the essay. Short essays range from 50 to 500 words. Moderate essays range from 500 to 1500 words. While long essays range from 1500 to 3000. We regard any term work above 3000 words as research work.

Remember, in the beginning, I was curious to know why you would want to write an essay fast and expect it to be better than writers who have taken some time to complete theirs. So why do some people write their essays fast and some don’t? One reason is procrastination. We may give a work to submit in a month but on Day 1 nothing happened. That goes for Day 2 and Day 3, Day4, 5, 6, and 7. Procrastination is the action of delaying or suspending something. A few solutions below are solutions to curb procrastination.

1. Ensure you read in a clean, comfy environment. We have studied that reading in a clean environment provides safety and enhances the duration of learning.

2. Focus: Are you having a hard time concentrating? Or is the work so difficult that you are shying away? Nothing is too complicated once you crack it. If you are finding trouble understanding your essay, do some research online or in your local library. Or you can even ask the surrounding seniors. If your situation is the former turn on the Do Not Disturb on your smartphone to ward off incoming calls and notifications that may startle you. You can also register in your local library to read with others. Staying in a social environment will keep you concentrated. After all, everyone is studying something.

3. Reward yourself after work: Have you heard that all work and no play makes jack a dull boy? Take a break and buy yourself some cookies after each work. That’s exciting, and I am sure you will also want to work a lot more after every bite.

How to write an essay

Writing an essay with time is not the best call. The panic and rush of fear because the clock ticking is gruesome. And that is one thing we don’t want. So we outlined 5 steps to write your essay and three steps to write your essay fast. Keep reading to get the detail.

1.Understand your essay prompt: A Prompt is the essay topic supposed of the writer to crack. Understanding the essay prompt is getting to know the theme of the essay. John doesn’t know how to eat with his cutleries except mummy directs John. So, this is the beginning of your writing.

2. Research: It is important to do some underground work when you are unsure of what the essay is about. They are various places where John can research what he does not know. He could go to the library or use the internet. If John knows some veterans on the topic, he will ask them right away. 

3. Organize your essay: Sketch the essay, the skeleton. Analyze what comes first, second, and last, and lay them down in paragraphs.

4. Editing And Proofread: Editing your essay is shaping and fine-tuning your essay. Proofreading is reading and making corrections. Read your essay once to check for grammatical errors and if your storyline underscores the prompt. You should wait at least 2 weeks. If this is too long to wait, give a family or a friend to read the essay. It is the same as reading with new eyes.

5. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is replicating someone’s text as yours. It is never nice to imitate somebody’s writing. You can check out for plagiarism in your work by using plagiarism software tools. Examples of plagiarism software tools are Grammarly, plagiarism detector, scibbr, doublechecker, quetext and so on.

How to write an essay fast?

Now we have concluded how will you write your essay and how to write it early. Let’s get to know how to write an essay fast.

1. Reread the essay prompt numerous times: Instead of going to the library to get an idea of your prompt, you can read it sufficient times at least 3 times. If the topic still doesn’t resonate. Read it aloud. As reading rockets.org said reading aloud makes complex ideas more obtainable. If this still doesn’t work, ask someone to read the topic for you.

2. Outline: Your outline helps determine the length of the essay. It will check if you want it concise and blunt or otherwise. If the essay is short, write short and blunt. If you are writing a longer essay, prepare the layout with points. And in those points, tell a story about it. For example, you have 5 paragraphs and in each paragraph; we have 15 lines. You can see we got about 1000 words. One paragraph gives 10 words. And that is that.

3. Editing: Since you are beyond time. You do not have the whole time in the world. Use some editing apps to keep your writing in order. These apps will correct any vocabulary blunders and even give you a thesaurus for your weak verbs. 

Final Words

And here we have it. You have concluded your essay. Remember to start your writing in a clean, comfy environment and your smartphone on Do Not Disturb. You may prefer to pen it down on your computer. Following the above guide will conclude your work in about an hour for a long essay and 15 minutes for short essays. It is better to write early, but it is far better to write later than none at all. Happy writing.

By: Ann Ezeh

Write and Win: Participate in Creative writing Contest & International Essay Contest and win fabulous prizes.

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