What is “Discover me” all about?


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They can be helpful, hopeful and impactful… 

Books are those friends who are simply wonderful

Currently, we are existing in a stressful time period. We have gone through a lot during the past year in terms of global pandemic, job cuts, health issues and most importantly with changes in our lifestyle. In all these changes, our mental health has suffered a lot, we have all gone through a dark phase and some of us are still struggling through it. 

So, who can serve as a ray of hope other than a friend by our side and who can be a better friend for the humankind other than books themselves, isn’t it?

This thought gives rise to an amazing business idea called “DISCOVER ME

  • So, what is “Discover me” all about?

To state simply, “Discover me” is a helping hand, which makes people go through their days accompanied by books by their side. These books will not be just random books, instead they will be carefully chosen by professional book recommenders within twenty four hours. 

You must be thinking that there are several book recommendation websites doing the same task and that too in real time, then how can “Discover me” be anything different?

Well the answer to this question lies in the difference between human employees and computerized systems. In this 21st century, we have advanced a lot in terms of technology but still there are certain jobs which cannot be simply replaced by human beings, right? We still rely on human beings at some level along with technology to survive in the long run. It is because, certain connections & emotions can be associated only with humans.

“Discover me” is based on the element of human connection. Here, books will not be recommended by mechanical algorithms but by actual professionals, who will give their recommendation based on their assessment regarding your current mood and emotional health. 

  • How will “Discover me” work?

“Discover me” will be available to public in the form of a website as well as mobile application. After entering in its system, one has to provide their “sign in” and create an account with our portal. Names and other personal details will not be asked to maintain overall confidentiality. Users will have to provide their email-id and set a password and create their own user name in order to enter into the portal of “Discover me”. After one enters into the system, confirmation password will be sent to the user’s email-id to confirm the user’s awareness regarding the whole issue. 

Then after this confirmation step, the portal will present a questionnaire consisting 10 multiple choice questions, which will be purely subjective in nature. These questions will be completely random and distinct for every 10 users visiting this website at a time. In other words, this website has 10 different sets of questionnaire and these sets will be randomly allocated to every user. Users can take about half an hour at maximum to answer these questions as per their convenience. These questions will be short and to the point and as mentioned already, they will analyse the current mood of emotional health of the users by asking them general questions about their day at work, hobbies, life goals, friend circle and other random facts. Most importantly, these questions will not be intrusive and too personal. Names will not be involved at all. The whole process will be discreet and private. After collecting answers, users may log-out from their system. This is the step where “human connection” begins in the whole “Discover me” business module. 

After receiving answers through 10 multiple choice questions, our “Human Emotions Expert Team” or (HEET) will assess your chosen options in questionnaire and assign four books to the user. Out of these four books, two books will be from fictional genre and the remaining two will be from non-fictional genre. User can choose any one book out of the given four alternatives and purchase it from Discover me’s store section. These books will be assigned by these professionals on the basis of their assessment regarding the user’s emotional status and they will not be based on any computerized formula or some mechanical algorithm. These recommendations will be purely subjective and differ from person to person. “Discover me” team’s professionals will assign the appropriate books on the basis of their individual judgement on the basis of options chosen by the users. 

Payment for the books purchased needs to be made online and after the payment, the selected e-book will be immediately sent to user’s online inbox.  After that, users need to finish reading the book within a month and give an online quiz based on the book read by the user. This quiz will be available in Discover me’s portal and by attempting the quiz, users can prove their understanding regarding the concept of the book and lessons learned from it. 

If user fails to give a quiz on completion of 30 days, he/she can still avail for another session from the beginning, but the allotted book will be marked as pending in user’s account. 

Those users who achieve more than 80% right answers on their quiz can get 20% discount, on their next purchase. 

  • Why this online portal will be called Discover-me?

The word “discovery” refers to finding something unknown, so through this online portal, all users can find something unknown about their personality and discover themselves in the true sense. That is why, it is called “Discover-me’.

If people are still wondering that why should one choose service provided by “Discover me” then here is a question for them:-

“Our life is full of discovering endless questions of our universe, so why shouldn’t one begin with discovering themselves at first?”



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