Voice for Voiceless

By: Smriti

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Voice for Voiceless

This breaks my heart to see the animals being slaughtered,
They do deserve proper food to be offered.
How can we behave in a barbarous way?
But one day we all have to pay.

Every time I hear and read,
About different voiceless who’re in great need.
The meat, the leather, the pork and the wool,
Still, humans are acting to be cool.

Each day, on the streets the dogs and the cats are killed,
By the ones who are unskilled.
Crying out on the roads with pain,
But all the efforts went in vain.

Each day a cow has to suffer,
And a calf is kept without her mother.
Each day the fetus of a hen is being sold,
To protect the people from the cold.

The voiceless creatures have no choice,
The voiceless creatures have no voice.
It’s high time we must raise our voice,
So that these creatures can live with their choice.

We must elevate our voice to a wide range,
As it would be tremendous if we could bring a change.
It’s already too late everyone should join hands for Animal Rights,
So that they can live in proper lights.
All the animal products should be avoided,
To halt the animals being exploited.

It just needs some courage to raise your voice,
And it will help them to fill their lives with rejoice.
They do deserve to live in the way we are living,
And should be stopped to treat in a way as if they’re non-living.

By: Smriti

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