Toxic Relationship: Unhealthy Relationships, Damage Mental Health Especially for Women

By: Julfa Nirwasita Nareswari

Relationship National Standard Examination in Junior Science
Relationship National Standard Examination in Junior Science
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Life in society requires interaction and relationships with each other. We have the right and freedom to choose what kind of relationship we want to be in. Most young people today just get into relationships without thinking and end up trapped in toxic relationships. A toxic relationship itself is an unhealthy relationship that makes someone feel pressured, misunderstood, and belittled.

This case usually occurs between lovers, usually the victims are women. However, it is not uncommon for it to occur in the scope of friendships or families. Usually, people who are already in that environment find it difficult to get out of it. In fact, most young people today do not realize that they are in a toxic environment and consider it normal. Or some are even aware, but do not know what to do.

Toxic relationships usually occur due to personality problems or perhaps someone’s trauma that is vented to those around them. Toxic relationships are usually not far from the word violence and are very difficult to control so that they harm others around them, and can even bring others into their toxic world. Some cases of violence that occur are in the form of harsh words that are uttered even to the point of hurting someone’s mental health, excessive restraint that may be caused by jealousy, always controlling partners to the point of coercion, wiretapping or even doxing due to hidden grudges. All of that has a bad impact on the mental health of women.

Many young women who are trapped in toxic relationships seek protection from their friends, some even go in and out of psychologists’ rooms to find someone to listen to and cure their fears. Not only that, some of them also commit suicide just because they are stressed, afraid, and constrained in relationships. People who are trapped in toxic relationships will always be restless in their lives and find it difficult to calm down. In any condition, even if they are happy, all that is on their mind is the problems in their toxic relationship. For example, someone who is gaslighted will not stop blaming themselves for anything that happens.

As a result, the victim will experience anxiety, lack of self-confidence, and always feel haunted by the coercion and words of their partner. Stay away from your environment if bad things have happened in your relationship that refer to a toxic relationship such as always lying to each other, not being supportive and harboring resentment towards friends or partners, filled with sarcastic words, there are restrictions and coercion, even violence, whether verbal, psychological, or physical. If not immediately avoided, the possibility of other violence will also increase.

Previously, you must realize and admit that the relationship you are in is toxic and unhealthy. Then prioritize yourself over the happiness of others and start seeking support from a positive environment, such as support from family or close friends. Or if not possible, consult a psychologist to seek help. After that, try to join a new, more positive environment and with firm principles, slowly start getting out of the toxic relationship.

Toxic relationships must be avoided and abandoned immediately. If left unchecked and normalized, the victim will find it much more difficult to free themselves because of manipulation and gaslighting. Breaking away from a toxic relationship is indeed difficult, but not impossible. With intention and self-awareness, support from those closest to you, and therapy are important steps in the healing process.

By: Julfa Nirwasita Nareswari

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