The World is So Small!

By Mr. Himanshu Ahuja

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It was the month of June. I was eagerly waiting for my graduation result. I had lots of plans for my life ahead – taking up a job, building up a reasonable bank balance, going on a world tour, buying my own house, amongst many others. While I was enjoying a road trip with my college friends, a message popped up on my mobile stating, “Final Semester Results declared!” I got nervous and excited at the same time. Finally, I checked my result and as expected, I graduated with flying colors! I started applying for jobs the very next day. All my family members had a lot of expectations from me. Fortunately, I got a job offer in a marketing role at an MNC. With great gusto and zeal, I accepted the offer and was enthused to start my corporate journey. My entire family was extremely happy, and they all motivated me to stay strong in my upcoming new phase of life. A month passed and I finally joined the company. I got a chance to work directly under a top management professional and I decided to give my best in whatever way possible. Anuradha was the name of my reporting manager. In a short span of two months working with Anuradha, I got a reality check! It seemed my impeccable working style and ethics didn’t bring any benefits along. I was unnecessarily targeted by my manager and it seemed my potential to grow was never embraced by her. There was hardly a day when I was appreciated for my work, while there was hardly a day when I was not admonished by her. My clean and uncluttered life became so toxic that I lost all my enthusiasm to work and survive at that workplace. Office politics made my confidence and talent go in vain! I started applying for more opportunities at different companies. After umpteen rejections, I finally got an interview invite from one of the leading corporates. I was very hopeful for my new start. I started preparing for the process with full dedication and devotion. Finally, the day of my interview arrived! I was well-dressed and well-prepared for the day. While I was sitting in Room No. 12, waiting for my turn, I couldn’t believe what I saw! I saw Anuradha entering the room, and upon inquiring, I got to know that even she had applied for a position for which she was appearing in the interview. Suddenly, a spasm of fear flowed through my veins and my confidence began to fall. The world is indeed so small that the person from whom one is running away seems to meet again at a new place. What an irony! Upon not getting a job of my choice, I decided to move on and do something meaningful in life. Something – that could utilize my talent, and nurture in me the delight and confidence. I started preparing for getting into a doctoral program as it was the only thing that interested me at that point in time. With eyes filled with aspirations and dreams, I decided to put in my best efforts in this program with a vision for a better future. Years passed and I was awarded the doctoral degree. Upon completing my degree, I got a job offer in the US-based MNC for a top management position. I traveled to the US alone and started working in that position. I felt a lot accomplished as I got the job of my choice and now I was leading a large number of people. Though I was new to the place, I started feeling settled as time was advancing! One fine day, the manager who was reporting to me came to me and discussed her resignation. Since her position was so critical for the ongoing project, the job vacancy was immediately created to be filled. I was about to go on a long vacation, so I delegated the task of recruitment and selection to one of the managers, working as a part of my team. Ten days later, I was informed that the candidate had been selected for the vacant position. I joined the office back after the next five days. I was excited to meet the new joiner and train her following a dedicated plan. While I was sitting in my cabin, the new joiner entered and there was pin-drop silence for two minutes at a stretch! She was none other than Anuradha whom I was reporting to during my initial days of working. We greeted each other quite cordially and then began the process of training. During lunchtime the very same day, I went to the coffee shop. I needed some time to spend with myself. I got surrounded by some highly frustrating past events and experiences. The world is indeed so small! The person, whom I reported to, years back, was now reporting to me at a different office and surprisingly, at different geography! I was in a dilemma. The dilemma was whether to take revenge for what Anuradha had done to me in my previous job or to remain an ethical professional and do what was right to be done! It was really a tough decision for me as the memories of those initial days of working were still so vivid in my head. Finally, I decided to be ethical and fair to her, forgetting everything that I had suffered in the past. The situation that Anuradha was into was because of her own deeds as the ‘Karma’ doesn’t spare anyone. I decided to keep my ‘Karma’ fair and ethical. I forgave Anuradha and gave a brand new start to our association. And, we worked happily thereafter! Sometimes, our mind acts impulsively and triggers us to perform a vengeful act. However, the divinity always lies in forgiving and restarting associations on a positive note. The world is too small to take revenge!! – 

By Mr. Himanshu Ahuja

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