The Window

By: Monali Dam

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Before the Internet boom ,windows and balconies apart from outdoor activities were also the primary preoccupation of our childhood. I would say daydreaming or mind wandering is something we all have done at some point of our lives.In the age of excess where our minds are always clouded with information we need periods of  calm that are free of purpose.

Instances that doesn’t require us to do anything.”A writer is working when he’s staring out of the window “.Writer’s have long put windows to good use as symbols of freedom(kafka’s The Metamorphosis) and escape (Flaubert ‘s Madame Bovary). In my opinion to think creatively,you need to let your mind wander .Thus ,the humble window comes in to the picture.Looking out of the window,each day unfolds from spring’s hopeful new blooms,to the magic of monsoon,to winter surreal sunrises and sunsets each season’s abounds with different types of natural beauty to admire.A blessing of life to able to enjoy nature,seasons,chaos on the road from  my window.

Admiring sunrise each day from the window not only lifts my days but also fills my heart with gratitude.There is something magical about watching a city or a stunning landscape in the golden morning light.Each sunrise remind us of a chance to start over-that god’s mercies are new and his faithfulness continues.

The window of my room opens to various scenes at different times of the day.There is always something to look forward to and never a dull moment outside my window. The fresh morning air blowing into the room fills me with vim and vigor.The sight of the blooms and dewdrops on them is refreshing .The gardener is busy doing his work of taking care of the various beds of flowers and watering them.

Mornings are busy ,all the homes are busy with their early morning chores.People are getting ready for their offices,children for their schools.The milkman,the newspaper boy and the vegetable vendors have started appearing at every home.

Morning walkers getting ready to go for their walks and so on.Our feathered friends too are out in the sky who give us company from dawn to dusk.It is always a pleasure to watch them fly and hear them too.

The afternoon scene is more laid back.The afternoon sun amidst the rich canopy of trees,bathed the buildings in its warm light.

The honking of horns of vehicles moving up and down seemed like there was a mad race on road ,everyone in a hurry to reach their destinations.There is cacophony on road as children returning from school call each other,chasing each other.

As afternoon gives passage to evening,watching the sun sink below the horizon as the sky is awash with crimson is magical ,signify an end to the day and a reminder to wind down and reset our souls each day.People in a rush to finish their work and return home.The birds in the sky were moving in groups back to their nests.Every entity of the atmosphere inspires in their own unique way,and so does the sky.The night skyline aglow with bright city lights.Night is the calmest time with the moonlight and the stars twinkling .The night sky is like a vast ,endless unknown universe beyond the human eye.The serenity and the quietness of the tree swaying in the gentle breeze put my mind at ease.As I look out of the window I see the transition from a busy,traffic filled street to a quiet,peaceful night.

Looking out of the window gives us a chance to listen to our minds.We learn about aspects of our deeper selves that we might not have known about otherwise.Beyond the room ,windows beckon with the possibility of something more exciting why else as children we stared out of the window eagerly waiting for the school bell to ring.

Windows are,in this sense a powerful existential tool,a patch of the world which already exists. All we need is a moment to pause and stare.

By: Monali Dam

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