By: Devin Aditya Putra

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The Indonesian nation is a virtuous nation and is based on norms of politeness which are the basis for behavior. This behavior is often referred to as eastern culture, which is a pattern of behavior that emphasizes politeness as a behavior that must be applied in everyday life. However, on the other hand, it is often found that many students have abandoned traditional eastern patterns of behavior and are more inclined towards western culture. This is none other than the influence of globalization, but it cannot be denied that the supervision carried out by parents today seems lacking and allows their children to follow. Western culture.

Supervision carried out by parents cannot be separated from the parenting patterns implemented from an early age. From the time they are toddlers, they begin to be taught the behaviors they should do and avoid. These behaviors will shape a person’s character in the future. Parenting patterns or what is usually called parenting. Parenting itself is the attitude and behavior of parents in raising children. In this case, parenting is something that becomes the basis for the character formed by the child. Good parenting will provide a good foundation and attitude in everyday behavior.

Lately, we often hear about various styles of parenting that are now starting to be implemented by mothers in Indonesia, namely the modern parenting style of Nikita Willy and the colonial parenting style of Lek Damis which is currently booming among Indonesian society. The two parenting styles that are currently viral in Indonesia actually have their respective advantages and disadvantages. Both will also influence the moral formation of children in the future.

Parenting or upbringing is actually the right of every parent to take care of their child according to what they want. However, on the other hand, diverse parenting styles also result in diverse mental formations. Mental means mental activity, a person’s way of thinking and feeling. This mentality is fundamental as a shaper of future behavior. In its development, parenting patterns are divided into four ways, each of which has advantages and disadvantages in its development, these four parenting patterns include;

Authoritative Parenting Style

A parenting style is a parenting style that prioritizes a democratic attitude and strives for open communication between parents and children in order to create a good response and can listen to the child’s point of view regarding parental care, so that the child is able to carry out the rules wisely.

Authoritarian Parenting Style

Parenting style is a parenting style that has very strict control over the child’s behavior, which gives the impression of not caring about the child’s opinion and only communicating in one direction in the form of prohibitions or orders and giving punishment if they break or don’t care about the rules. From this punishment, the child will feel that he is under pressure and can harm the child’s mental health.

Primitive Parenting Style

Namely a parenting style that prioritizes the comfort provided to the child, by using communication methods that consider the child as a friend and providing more open rules. The disadvantage of this parenting style is that parents seem weak in asserting their children, either refusing requests or giving orders to the child. As a result of this, children will not learn to be independent and will not understand the boundaries regarding certain things.

Neglectful Parenting Patterns

This is a parenting style that frees the child without placing firm limits on the child and tends not to want to be involved in the child’s behavior. Parents who care in this way tend to ignore that this could happen because the parents are depressed or something else. As a result of this, the child will tend to be more moody, less confident and easily emotional.

The four parenting styles above are the result of developments over time, each of which has advantages and disadvantages which are challenges that parents must face. The freedom to care which is a parent’s right must be used as best as possible with the aim of teaching children to be better in the future.

In Indonesia, the parenting style of Nikita Willy and Lek Damis is currently viral, both of which have different parenting patterns, for example Nikita Willy uses an authoritative parenting style that frees her child to do certain things but still with certain supervision and limitations. However, the parenting style applied by Nikita Willy is not applicable to lower middle class people because the child must receive extra attention, but on the child’s side, this parenting style will make the child develop his own motor skills, be able to explore new things and have highly creative ideas. .

Meanwhile, the lek damis parenting style has an authoritarian style that provides strict rules and punishments for children if they violate something. This can actually make children feel under pressure and can reduce the child’s creative thinking, but on the other hand, this parenting style teaches discipline as the main thing that must be applied in everyday life.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the parenting style applied by parents to the child is the best thing that has been thought of while placing hope that the child will be able to become a good person in the future. good or bad by society. Parents need to be aware of the importance of parenting styles from an early age because it will promote a healthy mentality for the child, rather than causing the child to have a mental health crisis in the future.


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