The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

By: Navya Agarwal

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

One ordinary morning, Arthur Dent discovers that his house is set to be demolished in order to make room for a new bypass, disrupting his relatively peaceful life. Despite Arthur’s strong objection to the imminent demolition of his home, his eccentric friend Ford Prefect appears. Ford is fairly eccentric about everything, but all of a sudden, he drops the bombshell that he isn’t from Earth at all, but an alien from Betelgeuse V. Ford throws Arthur into the local pub without another choice and maintains they have a few minutes before something really terrible occurs.

Sitting in the pub, Ford explains he’s been working as an undercover journalist investigating a new bureaucratic alien race known as Vogons – and also has some surprising news for Arthur: the Earth is about to be destroyed-not out of malice, but so that there can be ‘a hyperspatial express route.’

Sure enough, the world is smashed to bits moments later — but Ford escapes with Arthur in tow by hitching a ride on one of the Vogon ships just before the planet goes kaput. As expected from a race that is going to demolish an entire planet, the Vogons are not particularly pleasant or friendly creatures and soon throw Arthur and Ford out of the airlock into space. They are, at the very last second, saved by the super-sports spaceship, The Heart of Gold, using the highly unlikely and illogical “infinite improbability drive.”

Arthur is reunited with Trillian, a girl he met at a party once on Earth: she now calls herself Tricia McMillan. Trillian and Zaphod Beeblebrox hitchhike their way through the galaxy. Zaphod, who has two heads and three arms, used to be the owner of the universe and now has a personal mission to accomplish after taking over the Heart of Gold shortly after it was launched.

Arthur struggles to understand the idea of space travel and the strange events happening around him. Ford gives him a strange book called “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. This book acts as a useful manual for people keen on hitchhiking through the galaxy, mixing practical advice with unconventional wisdom.. As he bumbles about from one oddball (and hysterical) circumstance to another, the guide is Arthur’s life belt.

During their journey, they encounter strange planets and encounter an esteemed supercomputer called Deep Thought, designed to discover the ultimate answer to the question about life, the universe, and everything. After a long period of computation, Deep Thought ultimately disclosed that 42 was the solution. But that only creates more confusion rather than providing a solution for the actual question. After some time, they are greeted by a gentleman named Slartibartfast, a planetary designer from the world of Magrathea. Slartibartfast reveals that the Earth was an artificial construction programmed by his team of planet designers to compute what Deep Thought was built to find—the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. 

And, in an additional surprise, the hyper-rational beings operating this extensive genetic venture turn out to be a collection of super-intellectual mice. The mice, who have been running experiments on humans all along, finally explain that they want to steal Arthur’s and Trillian’s brains (respectively) just so they can find the ultimate question to the answer of life, the universe, and everything. Thankfully, Arthur and the others outsmart the mice and take away their fully functional brains.

That peaceful breakfast of crumpets (which Marvin has never tasted and knows nothing about) is quickly forgotten as their wild adventures continue, through which Arthur comes to accept the anarchic, nonsensical nature of existence itself—a place where everything remains unaccountably weird, but where creativity, amusement, and silliness reign supreme.

Arthur, having mused on his place in the universe just a tiny bit more wisely but no less puzzled, sleeps ready for any other weird and inaccessible stuff that happens. . He carries The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy with him, just in case an even more remarkable and unforeseen situation arises.

Kind of how we question everything in the book, the world is filled with questions such as the very reason for our existence. Deep thought was built to answer life’s greatest questions and as time has progressed we can see that we too want answers to questions which no- has thought of before.  The revelation of the making of the planet and then its destruction serves as a moral for us to not destroy what our ancestors have spent years preserving, saving and making for us. It calls out to us to protect the environment and save its creations from destruction.

It also deals with the theme of friends and the sort of people you need in your life that are there for you through thick & thin to reel you back in. They are there by your side in everything you do and even let your needs equal theirs. The development of technology like humanized emotional computers is in tune with the rate at which AI is weaving itself into our lives and slowly but surely becoming us.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a story which raises very interesting questions in a satirical way that makes you question everything you know. The surprising themes and concepts it explores include the idea that the Netherlands was deliberately designed by an architect. It inspires us to ponder the profound enigmas of existence and spurs us to seek solutions. It urges us to embrace new challenges and welcome fresh experiences on a daily basis.

Reading Douglas Adams’ book and coming to understand the way he plays with words, wit and humour make this book an entertaining read. It piques one’s curiosity to learn more and more about the supposed world outside earth. It is a classic work that provides both amusement and opportunity for reflection because of its blend of innovative storytelling, lovable characters, and satirical insights.

By: Navya Agarwal

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