The Brexit and its Political Reasons with Plus and Minus Points

By: Raunak Jha

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Essay On:

International Political Happenings in last ten years and its effect

Britain is one of the most popular nations in the world. It has been able to see a dynasty where there was no sunset. But in the year 2016, it voted itself out of the EU.

Several political debates and discussions were held to justify this decision. But in the end, it resulted in no conclusion for many people.

The political issue over Brexit was more related to the so-called dilemma over the economy of the English nation after the results. But it was not particularly clear why this nation was in favour of such a decision.

Voting Result

The voting resulted in 52% of the English population favouring Brexit. So, in the end, the decision was made by the general public. This was the most fruitful and positive thing in this entire process.

On the other hand, it should never be seen as an issue. It is because a nation can decide for itself the future that it dreams of. The main reason can be many. But overall, the main reason is the better future that the people of Britain hope for themselves without being a part of the EU.

Similar has been the case of Greece, which announced its bankruptcy in the last decade. It was facing a very tough time which was making its economic struggle. But in the end, they were able to announce their situation to the entire world.

Political Decision

Brexit can be a result of a political decision. But in the end when people decide to favour it, then the whole world should also support such a decision of a nation.

On the contrary, Brexit can have a positive and also some negative impact on its future growth. The youth will also face some issues while searching for jobs in their own country as several job opportunities in Britain are linked with the European Union. It can result in a lack of jobs when compared to entire Europe.

There will also be challenges as now Britain is a standalone country and will have to get into various partnerships and collaborations like other independent countries.

On the positive side, some of the laws indirectly put some restrictions on a nation. Britain will now be able to take its own decisions on various issues without taking any consent from the European Union.

Advantages & Disadvantages

The biggest advantage that Britain now has is better national security. Now it will not have to share its intelligence details with other countries in the European Union under any circumstances. Secondly, it will also be able to create more secure reforms, rules and regulations for the citizens of its country to safeguard their privacy and also to protect them from any external danger. The second advantage is that Britain will get to protect itself from any unnecessary rules and regulations which hamper the privacy of the citizens in the European Union.

Another advantage that Brexit has is that Britain will not have to follow every single decision taken by the European Union.

Now, if we consider the disadvantages, then one of the biggest disadvantages is that the citizens of Britain who are living in other countries of the European Union will have to return back to their own country immediately. The second biggest disadvantage will be in terms of the trade which Britain can easily do with other countries of the European Union by being a member of it. Now, the second effect will be in terms of intelligence secrets which countries of the European Union share among themselves for the safety of their citizens.

Now, one additional advantage of Brexit is freedom. Now, Britain will be able to do trade without any restrictions all over the world. The various trade routes will have one additional nation and its government to deal with.

In addition to the above points. Brexit also shows the risk-tracking abilities of the public. Instead of choosing to stay in the European Union. They are now willing to take some quick actions related to the stability and economic condition of the country.

Final Words

The various points which have been discussed above will keep on improving the facts about Brexit. The various advantages and disadvantages will keep on changing. But the relationship that Britain has with other countries will keep on providing its support from the troubles which Britain can face because of Brexit. The problems can be written and solved. But the real problem will be to face the companies who were treating the entire EU as one big family. But unfortunately, this option will not be available for the companies who are willing to face the tough times together with the country and its people.

By: Raunak Jha

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