By: Gowshikkalyan

2024 Self Driven Car 2024
2024 Self Driven Car 2024
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First of all very much thanks to 2024 for reflecting movements, embracing the full spectrum of human experiences  – Triumphs and Setbacks, Joy and Sorrow. It’s courage to acknowledge both the Good and the Bad allows us to learn, grow and move forward with a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world.

The year witnessed a significant upswing in global economic growth, with many countries experiencing sustained periods of expansion. This resurgence in economic activity was driven by a combination of the factors including advancements in technology, investments in infrastructure ; and a rebound in a global trade. One of the key drivers of global economic growth in 2024 was the rapid expansion of renewable energy sources.

As concern about climate change continued to grow. Government’s and private investors poured billions of dollars into the development of solar, wind and hydroelectic power. This is not only created new jobs and stimulated local economies but also reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions and mitigate the impact of climate change. Another significant factors contributing to global economic growth in 2024 was the growth of International Trade.

After a period of uncertainly and protectionism, several major economies signed new trade agreements, reducing tariffs and other barriers to trade. This led to an increase in exports and imports, stimulating economic growth and creating new opportunities for businesses and workers. Government’s around the world recognized the need to upgrade their transportation system, energy grids and other critical infrastructure to support growing populations and economies. This led to a surge in construction activity,  creating new jobs and stimulating local economies.

Space exploration made a significant in strides in 2024, with numerous milestones achieved by NASA and other space agencies. NASA made progress towards returning humans to the moon by 2025 under the Artemis program. This agency announced the results of it’s Orion Heat Shield Investigation updated timelines for Artenis 2 and 3. And delivered the core stage and launch Vehicle Stage Adaptor of the Space Launch System ( SLS ) Rocket. For the first time, NASA landed new Science & Technology on the moon’s surface using a commercial lunar lander. The agency also announced plans to send a new set of science experiments and technology demonstrations to the lunar South Pole in 2027.

Mental Health Awareness saw significant growth in 2024, with initiatives and campaigns promoting education and support. The World Health Organisation ( WHO ) played a crucial role in this effort, highlighting the importance of mental health at work. The world is witnessing a significant transformation in the way of energy is generated, consumed and perceived.

Renewable Energy considered a Miche sector, has emerged as a vital component of the global energy mix. Advances in renewable energy technologies have made them more efficient,  affordable and more accessible, paying the way for a suistaninable future .

One of the most notable advancements in renewable energy is the development of solar power technology.  Solar Panels have becoming increasingly efficiency rates of over 22%. This increased efficiency,  combined with declining costs, has made solar energy viral option for both residential and commercial applications. In fact, Solar Energy is now competitive with fossil fuels in many parts of the world.

Finally, and most importantly to this grateful year 2024. This was a year of growth, both personally and academically. I am proud of the challenges I overcome and the progress I made. Excited to see what the future hold. This year brought more valuable lessons along the way. I hope we all are having a Fantastic and Bright 2025 ahead with more treasures and pleasures.

By: Gowshikkalyan

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