By: Archanaa P

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Arise! Awake and do not stop until the goal is reached 

                                                                   -Swami Vivekananda       

“Hardwork is the key of success” is an old but true saying which will remain valid till generations to come. Many people escape from hard work try to veil their laziness under the myths of futile thoughts. For example, they based their tattered position of life and failure on destiny and turn to take a lame excuse for sitting completely idle. Even if role of destiny is admitted, it doesn’t entitle to stop doing his part of “Karma”. The food on plate cannot be eaten without the movements of hand and mouth. Success encourages to work harder and discover new heights. However, failure also come but they must not be taken with a spirit of a loser. 

      Success is the goal of everyone’s life. No one can achieve success in life without hard work.  Everyone in the world has some dream or goal to achieve, which he works sincerely. It is good thing to dream about some goal in life and achieving that goal is our success. We should work hard and use our time properly to make our life dream comes true. Success comes only to those, who sincerely work hard for their success. People should work their time properly and work hard, accordingly to make their dreams come true. Failure is a stepping stone of success. We do not need to be disappointed by our failure, rather than we need to learn from our failure because when we done our mistake in life. We need to identify them and correct them in our life. A successful person is the one who use time properly to achieve the goal. Achieving success requires a lot of hard work, dedication, motivation, etc. Success comes only to those who pursue their goal with their determination. It can never be taken advantage by those people, who only dream of being successful in their goal.  

     Likewise, when we look at the entrepreneurial pioneers, the realisation of their long-cherished dreams came because of their indomitable courage. One of them was the co-founder of the technology giant like Apple Inc and Steve jobs. He used to say “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Everything else are secondary”. This saying remains valid for all stalwarts who turned their ideas and dreams into successful realities. Success is never accidental. You may have ability boldness and courage, but to finally succeed, you must have a combination of virtues like persistence, perseverance, determination and hard work. Albert Einstein said that “Failure is success in progress. Success does not come overnight. It is when everyday you get a little better than the day before. It all adds up”. 

     It has two examples such as the one example is the story of Ms. J.K. Rowling the author of Harry Potter series. Ms.J.K. Rowling has faced a numerous obstacle on her path to success. She was a single mother, living on welfare and struggling to make ends meet. Despite these challenges, she kept writing and submitting her manuscripts to publishers. She faced rejection and after rejection, but she never gives up, her courage and persistence paid off. When a small publisher took a chance on her book. Today world Ms.J.K. Rowling is one of the most successful women authors of all time and her books have inspired millions of people worldwide. 

  Another example is the story of king Bruce is a shining example of commitment and never-say-die spirit. He tried again and again and at last succeeded in defeating his enemy and he won the battle. People take several attempts to climb the Mount Everest and finally some people they succeeded to reach the top of the Mount Everest. India gained freedom only after a relentless battle against the British for 100 years. Here the ultimate success was guaranteed by the fact that the goal was true and correct. It is said nothing is impossible, the world itself says I am possible. All the mighty names of the history were power houses of will power. Remember the best examples of Alexander the great, Joan of Arc, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Ashoka, Guru Gobind Singh, Mahatma Gandhi, etc. They are well determined character. 

 In Conclusion, success comes with a combination of ability, boldness and courage. Ability provides the foundation for success, boldness, enables people to take risk and challenges the status quo, and courage is enables them to face challenges and overcome obstacles. Those who possess ability, boldness and courage have potential to achieve greatness and make significant difference in the world. 

By: Archanaa P

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