Straight from the Heart

By Rajshree Morey

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Mummmmaaa!!!! my heart skips a beat when I hear a shout from my teen boy who turned 16 and I being on a roller coaster ride since then LOL.. So many restrictions on me and I am literally amused by his high handedness sometimes. My loving caring boy is slowly turning into a responsible adult which I am disliking a lil bit. I don’t wanna see him so big and responsible so early. So back to my lil one.. mind you, he doesn’t like me to put him rather his photos on any status .. like I just love when he scores good marks, his birthdays, anything relevant to him which brings me happiness and makes me very very proud as a mother..So I always jump with joy or get overexcited and lo and behold status goes on AIR and hence the disapproving shout from the disgruntled one. I tread with caution and face him like a warrior. I tell him defiantly that it is entirely my pleasure to share all achievements about him with all my dear ones and I will do it and he cant stop me from doing that. He mellows down a bit and agrees to it but with a condition which I was already expecting. I should take his permission and approval before posting about him on social media..I said a big least I can do it. That closes and the matter is settled amicably with affection. A blessed child, my boy, has given us immense pleasure throughout.. Nowadays, In his eyes.. I am totally a little girl now who doesn’t know how to cross a here comes his protective arm across my shoulder reprimanding me gently and making me aware of the traffic rules. Reminding me about my phone wallet charger earplug mask when I leave home to office which makes me feel funny. Helping me tremendously in day to day work at home during the lock down period. Studying well without much of our interference. Inculcating a habit of reading in himself much to my joy. Basically being human especially to pets and the people in need makes his heart softer towards them. More sides to him.. funnier, foodie and absolutely argumentative 🙂 But here is a boy to watch out for..Being a Mother..It is but naturally that I speak only the best things about him.. Akhir Maa ..Maa Hotee hai!!! And I m Loving it..hahaha..

By Rajshree Morey

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