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Once upon on a time there is a jungle, lived a lion which was more ferocious than any other wild animal. It was killing more animals not just to fulfill it is hunger, but to prove how powerful it was. All other animals assembled and were discussing on how to get rid of this wild beast. They went together to the lion and one of the animals said, “My dear king of the jungle, we all know you are more powerful than any animal in the jungle. But if you kill us all the time, you may starve to death one day. The whole animal kingdom will disappear. We all know, we are your food.

So, everyone one of us will come to you and you can satisfy your hunger. What do you say my dear king?” “Yes, you are right. Anyway, you agreed I am the most powerful animal in the world. I agree to your proposal. But on one condition. Everyday each one of you should be here before my meal time. Otherwise, I will show my power again,” said the lion. They all agreed and left the place. Then it was the turn of rabbit. Though tiny it was very intelligent. As usual all other animals were crying. But the rabbit moved confidently thinking a plan. On the way it found a well, which was not so high. It looked into it; found it is reflection.

An idea struck to its mind… It reached the cave of the lion taking very long time. The angry lion shouted at the rabbit for its delay. The rabbit pretending as it was scared said in feeble voice, “Yes, my dear king. I know I should be in time. Till now I thought you are the most powerful one. But there is another lion in the jungle which was about to eat me. Before becoming food to you, we will be food to that animal. It took me very long time, to escape from that lion”, said the rabbit. This lion does not have any common sense that a rabbit can’t escape from a lion.

It blindly believed it’s words and said, “Take me to that lion and I will see its end”. Rabbit took the lion to the well and said “See my dear king of the beasts! I spoke about your power. It was scared and hid in this well. If you want you can see there into the well.” the lion looked into the well roaring. It found its reflection.  It is roaring echoed. “Yes, you are right, my dear tiny rabbit. Now I will see it’s end”, said the lion looking at the rabbit. It jumped into the well and ended its life. All other animals were awestruck to see the rabbit back. O hearing the whole story of the rabbit, they appreciated it and said, “You are our real King. We can live happily in this jungle under your reign. you are personification of presence of mind and proved it is mightier than physical strength”. 

  From this story says that the rabbit represents symbolizes that every intelligent person, who makes wonders through their writings too and which prove really pen is mightier than the sword. Impossible can be made possible. If we are clever enough if we have good presence of mind. A person with a physical stamina may kill many people, but in turn he/she may also killed one day. What we find there is only bloodshed, but if the person uses his intelligence in proper way, he/she can bring good reformation in the society.  


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