By: Samyuktha R

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“It’s all black and white,

Teaches us to do things right.

If you understand,

Your life will positively expand.”

When we look around, we come across so many things, which tells something and if one looks keenly, one will understand the values it enforces which can be incorporated into our life. Likewise, a board with sixty-four squares and thirty-two pieces is not just an indoor game to play. Through its game, it teaches us many life lessons. 


In the game of chess, every move made by the player has a purpose. Same like that, in everybody’s life there must be a purpose. Without a purpose, we are just living a life for the sake of living. If we have purpose, then it gives a meaning to our life and aligns our life to the right direction.  We will be more focussed and will not waste our time on unnecessary things.


All the chess pieces cannot be saved by the player, he has to lose some pieces, just to capture the winning one. In life too, people must be ready to sacrifice small leisure’s to achieve something big. It is always said, if one works hard now, then he can live a life he wanted. For example, without studying now, if we just waste our time on temporary pleasures like, social media, tv, internet and even over sleeping, then we will struggle later. Remember, small sacrifices will reward you with great boons.


The player has always a plan to play the game. If his one plan fails, he will execute another, even if that fails, he will execute another. Everyone in life must not only have a Plan A, they must have a Plan B and Plan C and if he wants even more, but most of the people fail to do so. They just plan for something, if it does not work, they just lose their hope and end up making their life stagnated. One forgets, life does not go as per one’s plans, so it is better to keep other options. If one does not work, he can switch to another. For example, if an actor does not get movies, he can plan to do soap-operas, if he does not get that too, he can plan to do short-films. Having different plans is not a bad idea but an intelligent idea.


Not all the move the player makes is correct, there are times when he makes a bad move but he will not stop with that, he keeps moving. Same like that in life, sometimes we face bad situations. People must not brood over their problems and become hopeless. Instead they must find solutions for their problems and just move forward in their life. One bad move cannot make you lose the game, likewise one mistake cannot take away your success.


A well experienced player will look at the whole board while playing, but beginners mostly concentrate on one set of moves to win but their opponent just take them over. Same like that one will miss out on other opportunities, if they are focussing on just one particular thing. People must have wider view in life and it will shower them with many other opportunities.


A good player, always anticipates for problems and know how to deal them even before they occur. In life also, one must be aware of the problems or difficulties one can encounter and have a ready solution for them even before they occur. For example, when running a business, one must know the problems that may arise and immediately solve it when it occurs. This forward thinking will help a person to be successful in life.


Every game cannot be won. The player must accept his failure and learn from it. So that the next time, he will not make the same mistake that costed his win. This acceptance is a lagging factor in many of the people. Even a smallest failure will make them feel inadequate. One must understand, one cannot succeed in every part of life, they will face defeat at some point of time. What is necessary is to rise and fight again.


A player cannot wait for his opponent to make a mistake and make his move or he cannot just keep defending his pieces. He must just take action and make his move without any hesitation. In life too, people must not wait for the opportunities to come to them. They must grab the opportunities that is lying before them. For example, one cannot wait for one’s dream company to call and give them a job, they must work hard, pass the written test and clear the interview to get their dream job.


More than winning and losing a game, a player enjoys his game. Same like that, whatever one does in life, he must enjoy it. If one does what he loves, he will be happy and it makes his life enjoyable.


Everything in life teaches us something or the other. It’s up to us to take it and benefit from it or just ignore it and continue the monotonous life.


Have a purpose.

Make small sacrifices.

Keep more than Plan A.

A bad move is okay.

Look at things with a wider view.

Always be two steps ahead.

Failure also teaches you something.

Grab the opportunities

And finally enjoy what you do.”

By: Samyuktha R

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