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There is no denying that tradition plays an important role in our lives. It is often said that this local wisdom has existed in our country since time immemorial, and even now it is still maintained in Indonesia. Let’s call it the name “SEDEKAH LAUT”. However, no matter how sacred the sea alms tradition is, it is a big responsibility for the successors of the nation, which even begins when you are still in the womb. They have to answer at least one important question: ‘Should I keep the tradition or keep up with the times?

Maintaining local wisdom such as sea alms has many advantages. first, namely, as entertainment and indirectly has a function of cultural preservation which will later be passed on to posterity. Second, as a means of communication between communities, usually, if there is a sea alms tradition, the residents around the village will gather to follow, it will add to the sense of brotherhood because at least they gather together and talk to each other. Third, it has an educational function because indirectly they learn how to respect nature, togetherness, cooperation, and worship.

However, there are some drawbacks as well. The negative view of the community towards this sea alms tradition is that people who are not from coastal areas do not yet know more deeply the meaning of these sea alms, so they associate it with things that smell like polytheism and so on.

Speaking of this sea alms tradition, it has a number of pros and cons as well. On the other hand, the belief of this coastal community believes that the hyang or god will maintain the safety of the population, and keep them from calamity. Moreover, they believe that God will bestow prosperity in the form of increasing the number of fish in the sea. Another important consideration is that this is actually meant as a fisherman’s gratitude for being given safety and abundant produce.

Besides, when dealing with technology and the times, you can never be sure whether it’s right or wrong. It is very possible that people outside the coastal area think that this is just an act of polytheism, especially if it is seen now that young people often play with gadgets all day and do not understand tradition, especially with the larung offerings activity carried out by these coastal communities, they think that this will only lead to pollute the sea and endanger the safety of marine life.

Considering the pros and cons of both approaches, I can conclude that they are equally valid. The choice between them depends on what is desired and considered more important by the future successors of the nation. On my own, I tend to compromise and agree to continue this tradition of sea alms. However, I am also not against any of the extremes I discuss in this essay.


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