Songs of the Savannah by Vaishnavi Konkimalla

By: Vaishnavi Konkimalla

Songs Unchained Song Music 2024
Songs Unchained Song Music 2024
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Songs of the Savannah by Vaishnavi Konkimalla

“We don’t own the planet Earth. We belong to it. And we must share it with our wildlife”- Steve Irwin

I wear a hat and roam around the jungle,
Just then I went across a hare’s skull.

I was really scared and let out a brave face,
Not realizing, I came to the wrong place.

Suddenly, thousands of red deers roam around,
My happiness knew no bounds,
I sit beside a tree, my eyes sharp and bright,

The thorns of trees, known for their bite.

I took out my bag, and brought out a camera,
Because, I just spotted a mountain hare.

Grey and brown, in a sea of white,
Its skin filled in a gentle light.

I walk more deep into the forest, with a glee on my face,
Walking through thick barks, with careful grace.

It felt I came into nature’s paradise,
The pine trees curved in intricate designs.

As I walk more deep into the forest, the sunlight falling to the ground,
I enjoy each and every moment of nature, here and around.

Instantly, I found a golden eagle, with a vision so clear,
I took a photo of it, and let out a cheer.

The nature is a very beautiful creation,
Its freshness, slow breeze, and the warm sun,
It brings a relief to our brain and the body,
No wonder nature’s presence is very godly.

By: Vaishnavi Konkimalla

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