By: Ravydo Anggara Jufri

Going Solar
Going Solar
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Climate change has become a major issue of global discussion today due to its broad and massive impact on the quality of human life, the environment, and the economy. Almost all countries are threatened by the effects of climate change, including Indonesia. Indonesia is the country most threatened by the impact of climate change such as the sinking of cities in the northern coastal region of Java due to sea level rise as high as 0.1-11 cm/year. Not only that, climate change also threatens the extinction of species, especially endemic species that have their criteria for certain habitats to survive and generally cannot withstand extreme temperatures. In addition, the impacts of climate change include unpredictable weather and unprecedented natural phenomena.

In response to this, world leaders are taking part by attending the Conference, which discusses solutions to address climate change whose impacts are already being felt around the world. Indeed, overcoming climate change is not as easy as it seems, it requires participation from various parties. To overcome this not only involves participation from government support, but the role of the community in creating net zero carbon emission plays an important role in the creation of this activity. One of the efforts and commitments that have been made by each country is to achieve a clean energy transition often known as Net Zero Emission 2060 by focusing on the renewable energy sector. Achieving emission reductions through the latest and clean energy transition will open up great opportunities for optimal utilization. One of the renewable energies that can be utilized and implemented in various countries is solar power plants.

As is known, solar power plants use panels to generate electricity. Solar panels are devices that can convert direct sunlight into electrical energy. At this time, solar panels are quite widely used in everyday life (Nurdiansyah et al., 2020). Solar panels, or solar cells composed of photovoltaic cells, are designed to convert sunlight into electrical energy. Solar panels work based on the photovoltaic principle, in which semiconductor materials such as silicon will generate electricity when exposed to solar radiation. When sunlight hits the solar panel, electrons in the solar cell move from the silicon-N layer to the silicon-P layer, in the process generating an electric potential between the two. An electric current flows and forms through the output that the solar panel produces.

Solar panels have gained popularity as an environmentally friendly solution to produce clean and sustainable energy and these solar panels have also been widely utilized by several communities because their use can be done independently, so we can maintain and repair them ourselves. The option of using solar power plants is a very promising and guaranteed investment in the future because this energy supports environmental sustainability.

In addition, the benefits that are directly generated if solar power plants are implemented and applied in each country include first, reducing carbon emissions from electricity use. The electricity we usually use is sourced from coal or gas power plants. If we utilize the naturally available solar energy, the resulting carbon emissions are non-existent. Solar energy sources can be converted directly into electricity without having to go through the process of burning fossil fuels which produce a lot of carbon emissions.

The second benefit is to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. As we know by switching to solar energy we can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. The next benefit is to improve air quality, solar power plants do not produce harmful air pollution like coal and gas power plants. So, by using solar energy, the air quality in our environment is improved and cleaner. Cleaner air will create conditions where our respiratory health is healthy and the risk of diseases related to air pollution is also reduced.

The last benefit is job creation. If the need for solar energy increases, the need for employees will also increase. The solar energy industry will also need and create new jobs. From the installation of solar panels to their maintenance and upkeep, a skilled workforce is needed that can absorb local labor through training before starting work. This will help boost the local economy and create job opportunities for the community.

Besides having advantages, of course, solar energy also has disadvantages. The following are some of the disadvantages of using solar energy:

  1. Requires a large area (the area must receive direct sunlight)

The wider the solar panel installed, the greater the heat energy that is successfully absorbed and converted into electricity. This is because each solar panel has limited absorption of heat energy according to its cross-sectional area. So, if you want to get a lot of energy, the place provided must be spacious for the installation of many solar panels and not closed.

  1. Energy generated depends on the weather.

To obtain heat energy from the sun, the weather must be considered. If the weather is cloudy and the sun is blocked by clouds, the electricity generated cannot be maximized because the solar panels cannot absorb much heat energy. Conversely, solar panels can work optimally when the weather is sunny. This dependence on uncertain weather is a drawback of solar energy that must be considered.

Although it has shortcomings as described above, these can be minimized with several appropriate solutions including for the space aspect, this can be minimized by installing solar panels on the roof. Thus, solar panels do not require the provision of new land because the conditions of solar panels can be conditioned or placed in various places, one of which is on the roof.

As for the weather aspect, the anticipation that can be used is through the installation of off-grid solar power plants. This type of solar power plant is not too affected by weather aspects because it is equipped with a battery/battery that can be used to store energy reserves. Thus, we can still utilize the availability of electrical energy even though the weather is not friendly because the electrical energy produced has been stored in the battery.

Solar panels are a very useful energy solution and a good investment for the long term. Although it requires a considerable initial investment, the long-term benefits resulting from the savings in electricity costs, as well as the contribution to a cleaner environment, make it an option to consider and recommend. With minimal maintenance and longevity, solar panels can be a valuable investment in the future of any country.

By: Ravydo Anggara Jufri

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