Should We Still Teach Academic Writing in the AI Age?

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Why do students learn academic writing when AI can come up with any text? Well, many AI tools are free to use, and they can find anything you need in just a few seconds. However, the GPT chat produces rather banal texts that lack originality. In contrast, authors from the domyessay promo code platform have out-of-the-box thinking and make any college paper truly brilliant. With their support, your essay will definitely stand out from the pile of other works.

So, here is the question: will academic writing be relevant in times of generative AI? 

Below, we’ve collected the top 7 reasons why writing skills can be super beneficial for a whole generation of students, so read on!

Writing Turns the Thinking Process On

Students use AI tools in many unexpected ways. Thus, more and more colleges are using anti-plagiarism and AI-generated content recognition software to confirm learners write everything on their own.

During the writing process, the brain focuses on this creative activity and blocks the processing of unnecessary information. As a result, your memory and concentration are significantly improved. Writing also allows the mind to flow freely by turning off the inner critic.

Besides, negative emotions are harmful to our health, so we need to get rid of bad thoughts, and writing is perfect for this. Many people fight stress and emotional tension by putting their thoughts on paper or screen.

Writing Helps You Express Your Thoughts More Accurately

Insufficient vocabulary leads to difficulty expressing feelings and thoughts. You have trouble communicating with others and find it hard to persuade them. Regular writing practice can help avoid many unpleasant situations, making you much more confident in your communication skills.

The ability to communicate ideas is important for both the humanities and the exact sciences, as it helps you explain complex terms and definitions. This is a necessary skill in any profession.

Writing allows you to choose the most powerful words and create meaningful sentences out of them. This is the best exercise for organizing your thoughts and passing your message to others, and it is the key to effective communication in any field.

Writing “Unloads” the Brain

Imagine that you have too many tabs open while working in your browser. It makes it difficult to concentrate. Something similar happens in your brain when you try to hold too many thoughts at once.

By writing, you free your brain of information that needs to be remembered. You don’t have to worry about forgetting anything important if your thoughts and ideas are written down. To continue working with them, you just need to recall everything in your memory using the notes you made earlier.

Writing Reduces Stress

In the 21st century, everyone lives with a lot of stress and anxiety. Information noise, endless to-do lists, the rat race ‒ all this plunges students into an exhausted state. We all worry about finances, work, family problems, etc. But there are situations when stress begins to affect everyday life too much. For example, you wake up in the middle of the night, or you can’t fall asleep in the evening, thinking about the future. 

The body reacts to all this the same way ‒ you feel exhausted. In this case, writing down thoughts helps bring order to your studies, work, or personal life. You track things that worry you and help your brain generate new approaches and alternative solutions.

Writing Develops Discipline and Concentration

The ability to set a goal, go toward it, and bring it to life is priceless. The ability to set deadlines and meet them distinguishes a responsible student from the one who is weak in self-organization. 

Yes, you can entrust your routine essay tasks to an AI tool, but you are unlikely to be satisfied with the final content, as the texts often turn out to be low-quality. AI doesn’t have the same level of out-of-the-box thinking and creativity that humans possess. In addition, AI-generated texts have a high percentage of plagiarism, and this is another reason to improve your skills and write on your own.

If you fully rely on a bot, you can become very lazy, and over time, you might lose the habit of generating ideas yourself. This is why constant practice is crucial. 

Regarding concentration, this skill is truly gold in modern life as we live in an age of multitasking. People who can concentrate truly rule the world. And if you know how to focus on something for a long time, then all roads are open to you.


Writing Develops Storytelling Skills

What is the secret of a good storyteller? They understand the difference between the picture that appears in their head and what the reader sees. These are two different things, and the writer’s job is to tell the story so that the reader believes it. That is, we aren’t just describing a picture from our head. We present the story with images and paint it with words.

Storytelling skills are useful in many areas of business, so they will definitely not be superfluous for you. In the future, you may be willing to create your own project and promote it to a wide audience. This is where the skills to write beautifully and create a charming story will also come in handy.

To Wrap It Up

Marketers are already experimenting with using chatbots to write posts with save my grade and make ads for social networks. Real estate agents delegate apartment descriptions to bots.

In the not-too-distant future, a chatbot can write a letter to your boss or create a presentation in a few minutes. Yes, AI can be used to save time, but it won’t be able to combine innovative ideas for you and apply them to a specific situation. 

Not a single bot will help you figure out a complex intellectual puzzle. Surely, chatbots can use human knowledge, but they can’t present it in a really authentic way.

Empathetic and experimental writing will be a super valuable career skill as it shows how you think. So, if you want to succeed, you still need to learn how to write.

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