Roar for Change: A Wild Perspective on Net Zero Carbon Emissions
The forest whispers stories of a time when life thrived in harmony. The rivers flowed clear, the skies were untainted, and we, the animals, roamed freely across lush lands. But now, our world is changing. The forests are shrinking, the ice caps are melting, and the air is heavy with smoke. You call it climate change; we call it survival slipping through our paws, claws, and wings.
As a tiger, my roar once echoed through dense jungles. Now, it fades among chainsaws and smoke. We animals don’t understand carbon dioxide or net zero, but we feel its effects every single day. This essay is my plea—to share our perspective and to remind you that your quest for net zero isn’t just about saving humanity; it’s about saving all life on Earth.
The Disappearing Homes
Every tree you cut down is not just timber—it’s a home. For me, it’s my hunting ground. For the birds, it’s their shelter. For countless insects, it’s their world. Deforestation to make way for industries and cities destroys habitats, leaving us vulnerable and displaced. The orangutan loses its trees, the polar bear its ice, and even the humble sparrow struggles to find a nesting place.
If you commit to net zero, you’re committing to reforesting our homes. Every sapling planted is a promise of shelter, food, and safety for countless creatures. Remember, “When the last tree falls, the last breath will be shared by all.”
The Warming Earth
Your factories and vehicles release invisible gases that trap heat. For you, it’s warmer summers. For us, it’s disappearing glaciers, shrinking watering holes, and unbearable heat. The Arctic fox is losing its snowy camouflage, while corals—our underwater forests—are turning ghostly white, leaving marine life homeless.
By reducing emissions and adopting renewable energy, you’re giving us a fighting chance. The sun can power your homes, the wind can light your streets, and the rivers can generate your electricity. Your shift to cleaner energy is a lifeline for us.
The Poisoned Air and Water
What you call progress, we call poison. Factories pollute the rivers we drink from, and your plastic waste fills our oceans, choking turtles and entangling dolphins. The air is thick with pollutants that weaken our health, just as they harm yours.
If you strive for net zero, it means cleaner air and water for all. Imagine oceans free of waste and rivers teeming with fish, where otters play and eagles soar. That’s the world we dream of—a world we once had.
Food on the Brink
Your changing climate is disrupting our food. Flowers bloom too early or too late, confusing bees that pollinate them. Grasslands dry up, leaving herbivores hungry. Prey disappears, and so do predators. The delicate balance we’ve maintained for centuries is tipping.
Your commitment to net zero can restore this balance. By protecting ecosystems, you ensure that the circle of life continues. For us, it’s survival. For you, it’s a stable planet.
Learning from Us
We animals live in harmony with nature. The deer grazes but doesn’t strip the land bare. The wolf hunts but leaves enough for others. The beaver builds dams that create habitats for many. We take only what we need.
Perhaps, you could learn from us. Sustainable living—using resources wisely, reducing waste, and coexisting peacefully—can guide your journey toward net zero. As an old proverb says, “The Earth has enough for everyone’s need, but not for everyone’s greed.”
The Younger Ones
I watch as cubs play in the sunlight, blissfully unaware of the dangers that lurk in their future. Will they grow up to roam free, or will they be confined to shrinking sanctuaries? Will they hear the songs of birds and the rustle of leaves, or will silence replace them?
Your actions today decide the world they inherit. When you choose solar panels over coal, bicycles over cars, or plant trees instead of cutting them, you’re choosing life—for your children and ours.
The Wild Alliance
You are not alone in this fight. The Earth is resilient, and so are we. Mangroves protect coasts from rising seas. Forests absorb carbon, cleaning the air. Whales store carbon in their massive bodies, helping regulate the climate. If you work with nature instead of against it, the planet can heal.
Support conservation efforts, protect endangered species, and respect the habitats we call home. Together, we can restore the balance.
Our Dream for the Future
Close your eyes and imagine this: forests so vast you lose count of the trees, oceans so clean you can see the coral below, and skies so clear the stars shine brightly. This is not a distant dream—it’s a possible reality. But it depends on your choices.
Net zero is more than a target; it’s a promise to all life forms. Your factories, vehicles, and habits shape our future. With every step toward sustainability, you’re bringing us closer to that dream.
A Final Plea
We animals don’t have a voice in your meetings or a seat at your tables. But we have a message: “Your survival is tied to ours.” When you save the forests, oceans, and skies, you save yourselves too. We don’t want much—just a chance to live, to roam, to thrive.
So, as you fight for net zero, remember that you’re not just saving the planet—you’re saving a world that we share. Together, let’s roar for change, fly toward hope, and run toward a future where all creatures, great and small, can live in harmony.
By: Dr Alka Sakore
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