Poem: The Old Memory

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How to fly if your wings were clipped in childhood,

or maybe in your youth?..

When you were young, you wanted to step over the abyss, 

flap your wings and fly to the sky. 

Where only angels, heavenly beings. 

Where there’s goodness, where there’s support,

where there’s paradise. 

To a heaven where there are no lies, where there’s peace,

not miserable wars. 

You dreamed of a better life than this.

Why doesn’t a thought like this bother your ears now,

your dreams of happiness? 

Are people preventing you from reviving these plans? 

Who are they to keep you from your true path,

even for a moment? 

And you have entered again into these reveries,

you have realized that you are living.

 Suddenly you took a step over the abyss.

No, you will not fall. You flap your wings again, 

and suddenly you remember that the wings are not real. 

The real ones were clipped when you were in childhood, 

or maybe in your youth.. With a sharp blade. 

A swing of the blade and there are no more plans, no more dreams. 

Only a grey abyss, and you fly into that abyss. You think: ” why me? 

Why should anyone stop me from flying to the sky?” 

You land, then you look. 

And at the bottom of the abyss, 

there are people who didn’t take off either.

Who had their wings clipped when they were kids.

 You look at these people who have become demons and you see your reflection in them…

By: Daria Korneeva. 

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