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In this Paracosm of mine, resides a world that heeds no respect to time,

A carmine sun and a quiet nightwhere all the pathways politely align.

A silence so loud it almost hurts, but such beautiful pain has never been understood.

This fondness has blurred my lines of reality and imagination

I fear the use of words as it might addict you too, but this little cosmos is only mine.

Paracosm is that alternate universe that seems to be a prepossessing escape from reality but only you have fabricated this delightful world.Every person who possesses a paracosm can never relate to another person’s fabrication as each person with paracosm has extremely different and variant thought process resulting in the creation of a unique world. Everyone must have created a paracosm when at the age of innocence butprolonging it to adulthood this fun little game turns into PARACOSM DISORDER.

Little by little you add to it, expand your world bit by bit,

It grows into something inseparable,

Voices of its people are always feeble,

Whenever I am up, Whenever I feel down

Whenever I feel like I have broken down

I rush to this world to seek peace and pleasure

And happiness up to no measure

Paracosm disorder is said to be the only disease that a human does not wish to cure but rather would like to achieve a closer bond with. Paracosm is usually created when you wish to imagine your life and ponder” Had my life been different what would it be like?”. Though some people create paracosm when they have been disenchanted with reality when they feel miserable and wish for a world where such unpleasant instances never have the scope to occur. The owner and creator of a paracosm have an extremely composite relation with it and have a very heartfelt possessiveness over their world.

A locus where everything revolves around me,

To me dedicated, everything will be

Doesn’t it sound so beautiful

Where sometimes I will be the protagonist

And during others, evil

From my paracosm,

I wish to bring my characters and friends to the reality

But such kind people do not exist

Ah! What a pity

People tend not only to create an atmosphere but characters and sometimes even different creatures and languages in their cosmos. This ease of being free and having unlimited access to everything is imagination at its peak. People who involve frequently and intensely in their paracosmic world, tend to enter this phase whenever they wish with simplicity, but then it becomes harder to attach and return to reality.  Various fiction authors have written famous works by bringing their paracosm into the light, the best-known example of a paracosm is J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Middle-earth”, the fictional world he created in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

But no matter how much I desire to reside in my world forever

To reality I will have to return one day

Procrastination and prolonging I have befriended in the way

Sometimes I wonder,

If this world itself is paracosm in which we all wander


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