Out of Darkness Comes Light: RA Kartini, Fighter for the Emancipation of Indonesian Women

By: Ayu Avrillia Nirmalla Putri

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In various countries around the world, there must have been very important historical events in the journey of their founding until now. In every historical event, there are usually many great figures who were very influential in the event and among these figures there is someone who is more prominent because of the courage and sacrifice shown in defending the truth persistently and bravely. People call these figures “heroes”. Indonesia has a hero figure who is persistent in fighting for the rights of women in Indonesia so that they have the same status as men, this figure is named RA Kartini. Kartini herself is one of the female heroes from Indonesia who is famous as a figure who contributed greatly in fighting for the emancipation of indigenous women.

Raden Ayu Adipati Kartini Djojoadhiningrat or often known as Raden Ajeng Kartini was a Javanese noble family in the Dutch East Indies or now Indonesia who was the daughter of Raden Mas Adipati Aryo Sosroningrat (Regent of Jepara) and her mother was Mas Ajeng Ngasirah. Kartini was born on April 21, 1879. .RA Kartini’s struggle to emancipate native women was a form of resistance to injustice towards women at that time, because at that time the status of women was considered lower than men.

Kartini was determined to give women the right to education and independence so that they had the same rights and degrees as men. According to him, indigenous women must receive equality, equality and freedom. When Kartini had the opportunity to attend Europeesche Lagere School (ELS), a school intended for rich Dutch and Javanese people, Kartini learned Dutch. 

Kartini also read many European books, newspapers and magazines which increased her knowledge of how European women thought, which was more advanced and free than native women at that time. This made him think about advancing indigenous women. Kartini began her struggle by writing various letters containing her ideas about women’s emancipation which were then sent to news magazines in the Netherlands. In 1903, at the age of 12, Kartini married KRM Adipati Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat who was the regent of Rembang at that time and her title was changed from Raden Ajeng to Raden Ayu.

After getting married, Kartini remained persistent in achieving her dream of fighting for women’s equality by becoming a teacher at the women’s school founded by her husband east of the Rembang office gate. With the knowledge she had, Kartini provided teachings to native women of that time. However, at the age of 25, Kartini died after giving birth to her first child. In 1912, thanks to Kartini’s persistence and great desire to educate native women, the Van Deventer family, ethical political figures at that time, finally founded the Kartini School by the Kartini Foundation.

RA Kartini has a work that is still famous today, namely a book entitled “After rain comes sunshine”. The book contains a collection of letters written by Kartini which were then compiled into a book. Kartini wrote about various topics relating to the lives of Indonesian women at the beginning of the 20th century. One of them was the topic of limited access to education for indigenous women.

Kartini studied topics that were relevant to the lives of native women at that time, such as education, marriage, gender equality, and freedom of speech, Kartini expressed her desire and dream to become a woman who could study and work anywhere without limits because she had to be bound by tradition and culture. who looked down on women.

Kartini considered the traditions and culture that existed at that time to be detrimental to women because of polygamy and arranged marriages without the consent of the parties concerned. Apart from that, Kartini also criticized the patriarchal culture which really controlled women to have freedom of expression and equality.

Education plays an important role in life. According to Kartini, education is the key to opening the door to freedom of speech. Because of the important role of education, everyone has the same right to receive education in order to open broader horizons and more advanced thinking, increase knowledge and skills, and be able to raise a person’s dignity and dignity so as to form quality human resources. Education is also needed to build and advance national civilization through human resource development. Therefore, with easy access to education in the modern era like now, the existence of a wide space without any limiting traditions and culture, women should take advantage of this great opportunity to prove that women cannot be underestimated by anyone, they can become figures. who will be great in the future or even become a leader among men. Indonesian citizens, especially women, have an obligation and responsibility to continue RA Kartini’s struggle so that Indonesian women are not looked down upon. As women, we have the same rights and degrees as men, especially in the field of education. Indonesian women must receive proper education just like men. In this era of convenience, women have the freedom to express various things, they have the right to freedom of opinion and can seek the highest possible knowledge to realize their desired goals.

Thanks to RA Kartini’s struggle, with her persistence and courage to emancipate women, Indonesian women can now obtain the same rights as men, especially education, so that men and women have the same level. Through the quote “Out of Darkness Comes Light” which has the meaning that behind hardship there will always be ease, it can be interpreted that every time you encounter difficulties, there will always be a way of ease behind it. Every hard and difficult struggle that has been carried out, will definitely get beautiful results in the future. Nothing in every struggle is easy, but with persistence, courage and great determination anything can be realized. All the struggle is not in vain, because it will definitely have benefits someday. Education plays a big role in overcoming problems, building a better life in the future and developing and advancing thinking so that it can keep up with the times. With the knowledge, insight and skills they have, someone can change the world.

By: Ayu Avrillia Nirmalla Putri

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