Not a Nihilist

By: Khushi Joshi

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Not a Nihilist

I stare in the mirror,

Each day I ask

An exact question:

“Why do I exist?”

All those girly dreams

Don’t belong to me.

Discussing it with others

Heals bruises,

But my voice—

Unheard in discussion.

They label me

A nihilist,

As if I am a man

From a Dostoevsky’s novel.

Perhaps I am,

But I believe in purpose,

I believe in hope and love.

I laugh and try to be kind,

Just unable to feel delighted.

I hate that same pattern,

The same thrills people follow.

They call it a fulfilled life;

They crave for more.

I don’t want

Their ideal and planned life.

I travel with the flow.

Shining things are guaranteed,

Contented life

Never attract my attention.

I just want

To be me,

To find a reason,

An answer:

“Why do I exist?”

By: Khushi Joshi

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